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Welcome to Class 235! Miss Amy

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1 Welcome to Class 235! Miss Amy

2 Rules and Expectations
At the beginning of the year, Class 235 discussed what it means to be part of a community. We learned that our class is a family and that we must work together for everyone to succeed. Together we developed a list of classroom goals and rules. Together we signed this list and agreed to the rules.

3 Rules and Expectations
Behavior Plan Point Sheets (filled out at the end of the day, based on total number of points.) Name ________________ Date ______ I earned ______ points today because I 16 _______________________________________ ______________________________________. Parent Signature _________________________ * Points for each period are based on a stop light.

4 Rules and Expectations
Each Period students start on green. If they have to move their clip down, they have the opportunity to earn back their points and move back up the stop light. 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points Points are recorded at the end of every period.

5 Homework Homework is given everyday. On Monday, your son or daughter will receive a Homework Chart for the week in his Important Folder. There is no homework on Friday’s except to read over the weekend and complete the Reading Log. Assignments reinforce the skills that we learned that day. Please make sure your child completes his homework each day. Getting their Point Sheet signed is part of your child’s Homework Points. Homework Sheets may be different for each student.

6 Daily Routines/Subjects
Reading Your son has been assessed using the Teacher’s College Reading and leveling system. Each student has his/her own reading level. Reading Workshop: Guided Reading Groups (based on reading level) – groups will be taught reading strategies within their Guided reading Groups. Independent Activities Whole Class Read Alouds to practice reading skills with more difficult texts. Reader’s Notebooks – Students will be expected to write reading responses throughout the year. Reading Toolkits Go home every night, come back each day Contains a book or two that was selected by your child and myself Also contains reading notebook, copies of read aloud book, graphic organizers and other helpful reading items. Book Baggies Student choice books Read during free time or choice time

7 Daily Routines/Subjects
Wilson/PAF Reading program to develop and improve a student’s reading and spelling strategies. Not all students will be participating in Wilson/PAF Student’s not participating will have independent activities to complete while Wilson/PAF is being taught.

8 Daily Routines/Subjects
Writing Units throughout the year Why do we write? Personal Narratives Realistic Fiction Expository Writing Persuasive Writing Poetry Teaching Basic Writing Skills

9 Daily Routines/Subjects
Math Students have been assessed on their Math Skills and have been placed into groups. Singapore Math A spiral approach that builds upon preceding levels. Topics are revisited at a higher level. Manipulatives are used to represent concepts. Math Workshop: Independent activities Group lesson Games

10 Daily Routines/Subjects
Social Studies Currently, student’s are learning about Native Americans and their impact on NY. Possible Units: Native Americans Exploration New York Colonies What does it mean to be free? American Revolution Government Industrial Growth and Immigration

11 Computers Compass Learning: Language Arts and Math
Computer program that is used to reinforce skills learned in math and reading. Tailored/Differentiated for each student. Tasks are assigned by Miss Amy Tasks are focused on topics that students are learning in their Math and Reading Groups and will change throughout the year. Raz Kids Reading Program Allows students the opportunity to read books on their level on the computer. Typing Throughout the year students will have the opportunity to practice their typing skills by typing stories.

12 Class Website

13 Questions?

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