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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE AND CAREER ACADEMIES OF AUBURN HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

2018 – 2019 School Year Registration

2 Pick Carefully !!! Classes are created and teachers are hired based on the course selection students make. This means we cannot honor requests for schedule changes once students make their decisions Students must choose 7 classes Please consult the high school planning guide available on the counseling webpage: High School Planning Guide

3 Seniors wanting a shortened schedule
Seniors have the option to choose a shortened schedule. However it is vital to consider: Will I have all the credits needed for graduation? Will I have my own transportation? Will I remain eligible for interscholastic sports (must take 5 for eligibility) Will my college frown upon a decreased load during my senior year? Seniors wishing to have a shortened schedule should meet with their counselor during the registration in August

4 Guidelines for Changing or Dropping Classes
*Classes are created and teachers are hired based on the course selections students make *This means we cannot honor requests for schedule changes once students make their decisions Changes will only be considered for the following reasons: Students enrolled in a course without successfully completing course prerequisite Changes in a student IEP require a course change Seniors who need a course to meet graduation requirements A level change can be considered (but not guaranteed) for a student who is enrolled in a class that is too easy or difficult; however, students are expected to make all attempts to improve their grade before a change is considered

5 Specific Requirements a High School Diploma
Requires 48 credits 4 years of English 1 year of U.S. History 1 semester of American Government 1 semester of Economics 1 year Global Studies, World Geography or World History 3 years of Mathematics (including Algebra/Integrated Math I & Geometry) 1 year of Biology 1 year of Physical Science, Chemistry or Earth Science 1 year of elective science class 3.5 years of Physical Education 1 semester of Health 2 year of Foreign Language, Art, Music or Vocational

6 Consequences of Failing a Class
Failed classes will NOT be put in next year’s course requests Students failing a required class should meet with their counselor to discuss credit recovery options

7 NCAA Eligibility Student athletes must take required core courses and meet specific standards on both their Grade Point Average (GPA) and ACT/SAT scores If you are an athlete, you must become informed about the criteria you need to follow to be eligible to receive scholarship $ as an athlete

8 Want more electives in your schedule?
Consider taking zero hour Early bird PE which will begin at 7:30 CAPA Students can also elect to take Early Bird CAPA Knight Band or CAPA Tech Theatre Transportation will be provided

9 Deadlines for 2018-19 Registration
January 16th: Deadline for course request changes. Revised sheets must be turned into your academy office Parent Registration Night: January 10, Auburn High School Auditorium 5:30pm - 7:30pm

10 Pathways

11 Auburn High School 2018-19 Course Selection Sheet

12 2018-19 Auburn High School Electives for 10th -12th grades

13 Auburn High School 2018-19 Gifted Course Selection Sheet

14 Auburn High School 2018-19 Gifted Electives

15 2018-19 Auburn High School Electives for CAPA

16 Questions ???


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