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America in the 20’s “Returns to Normalcy”

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1 America in the 20’s “Returns to Normalcy”
Washington Naval Treaty The Washington Naval Treaty, also known as the Five-Power Treaty, limited the naval armaments of its five signatories: the United States, the British Empire, the Empire of Japan, the French Third Republic, and Italy. The treaty was agreed at the Washington Naval Conference, which was held in Washington, D.C. from November 1921 to February 1922, and was signed by representatives of the treaty nations on 6 February 1922. The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty on 29 March 1922; President Warren G. Harding signed it on 9 June 1923; the ratifications were deposited with the U.S. federal government on 17 August 1923, and were proclaimed on 21 August 1923.

2 Kellogg-Briand Pact President Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, and Frank B. Kellogg, standing, with representatives of the governments who have ratified the Treaty for Renunciation of War (Kellogg-Briand Pact), in the East Room of the White House.

3 Signing of the treaty

4 Prelude to War 1931 ACT: Japan invades Manchuria
Response: League of Nations reprimands US issues the Stimson Doctrine- US will not recognize Japanese land claims Results: Japan quits League of Nations Chinese conquest

5 Japanese troops wait behind a barricade of sandbags in Shanghai, China.
                                                                      Japanese troops wait behind a barricade of sandbags in Shanghai, China,

6 Rape of Nanking

7 Rape of Nanking Babies are snatched from their mothers' arms and bayonetted. Young girls and women are raped over and over, the attacks ceasing only when the girl dies or feigns death. Girls as young as eleven or twelve are carried away from homes and schools to act as sex slaves to soldiers. Forced incestuous rape is used to amuse soldiers, and civilian men are forced to rape dead bodies. Captured soldiers are summarily executed, the commanders of the invaders having determined that the term "prisoner of war" will no longer be used. Thousands are executed, their bodies buried in the Ten Thousand Corpse Ditch. Young men thought to be soldiers are burned or buried alive, nailed to trees, even hung by the tongue until they die. Pregnant women and babies are treated the worst, mutilated to death in unimaginable ways.

8 1935 Act: Italy invades Ethiopia Response: US passes Neutrality Act
No arms sales to belligerents League of Nations reprimands Result: Italy conquers Ethiopia

9 “IL Duce”- comes to power in 1922

10 Benito Mussolini "Il Duce"

11 Italian fighter plane

12 Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia

13 Emperor Haile Selassie Speaking at the League of Nations in 1936

14 Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie
Native Ethiopians were angry that Selassie "abandoned" Ethiopia, accusing "If a strong government finds it can destroy a weak people, then the hour has struck for that weak people to appeal to the League of Nations to give judgment in all freedom. God and history will remember your judgment." "It is us today. It will be you tomorrow." The League did nothing as a reaction.

15 1936 Act: Germany invades Rhineland region Response: None
Result: Germany builds fortifications along the Rhine … violates Versailles treaty

16 Germany marches into the Rhineland

17 Germany on the march

18 1936 Act: Germany and Italy back Franco in Spanish Civil War
Response: US passes 2nd Neutrality Act Result: Franco wins in Spain silent Axis partner

19 Franco in Spain

20 1937 Act: Japan invades China
Response: FDR calls for “quarantine” of aggressor nations League of Nations fails with trade embargo against Japan Result: Japan conquers most of N.E. China

21 Japan on the march

22 1938 Act: Germany invades Austria Response: None
Result: Germany proclaims “Anschluss” Germany and Austria unified

23 Germany enters Austria

24 Germany military rolls

25 1938 Act: Germany claims Czech territory of the Sudetenland
Response: England and France appease Hitler, allow Germany to take over the area at the Munich Conference “Peace in our Time”- Neville Chamberlain Result: Germany annexes the Sudetenland region

26 Sudetenland


28 Appeasement “Peace in our Time”

29 Germany breaks the Munich Pact

30 How could this picture be used by both sides?

31 1939 Act: Italy invades Albania Response: None
Result: Italy conquers and occupies Albania

32 Albania When Germany occupies all of Czechoslovakia in March Mussolini decides to complete the slow annexation of Albania begun soon after he came to power. Italy invades on 7 April. The Italian-trained Albanian Army is soon overcome, and on 12 April the Albanian parliament votes to unite the country with Italy.

33 1939 Act: Germany and the USSR invade Poland September 1, 1939
Response: Britain and France declare WAR US modifies Neutrality Acts and starts to allow “cash and carry” program Result: World War II begins

34 WAR German troops dismantle a Polish border checkpoint, September 1, 1939, as World War II begins.

35 WAR


37 Germany and Russia do in Poland

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