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Confederation to Constitution

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Presentation on theme: "Confederation to Constitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confederation to Constitution
Review Jeopardy Confederation to Constitution

2 Articles of Confederation 3 branches of government
Let’s Play!!!! A New Nation Articles of Confederation The Convention The Constitution 3 branches of government 6 Big Principles 10 20 30 40 50

3 A new nation 10pts The road that led settlers to explore the new western territory

4 Wilderness Road Daniel Boone 20 extra points if you can name the person who traveled this road in the next 10 seconds

5 A new nation 20pts name of the document that created our first government

6 The Articles of Confederation

7 A new nation 30pts Said that settlers (surveyors) of the western lands had to create (stake out) 6-mile-square plots called townships

8 Land ordinance of 1785

9 A new nation 40pts New area which included land that formed the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin, as well as part of Minnesota

10 Northwest Territory

11 A new nation 50pts Outlined the rights of the settlers in the northwest territory as well as conditions for settlement and how to gain rights to self-government

12 Northwest ordinance

13 Articles of Confederation 10pts A group of individuals united together for a purpose

14 confederation

15 Articles of Confederation 20pts The articles of Confederation established a _______________ national government for fear of tyranny

16 weak

17 Articles of Confederation 30pts The Congress was the only _____________ of government. There was no _________________.

18 branch ---- President

19 Articles of Confederation 40pts What is the biggest obstacle facing the Continental Congress (Under the articles of confederation)

20 Enforcing laws

21 Articles of Confederation 50pts Main factor that convinced the framers of the articles of confederation to create a weak central goverment

22 States’ unwillingness to limit their own authority

23 The Convention 10pts Writer of the Constitution

24 James madison

25 The Convention 20pts Says that the legislative branch would have 2 chambers (houses) and the number of votes for each state depends on population

26 Virginia Plan

27 The Convention 30pts Said that the legislative branch would have 1 chamber (house) and that each state gets 1 vote

28 New Jersey Plan

29 The Convention 40pts Stated that there would be 2 houses in the government, one was based on population, and the other gave the states an equal number of representatives

30 The Connecticut Compromise
The Great Compromise The Connecticut Compromise Double your points: in the next 20 seconds, what is the other name given to this compromise?

31 The Convention 50pts In the south for every ______ slaves, ______ of them will be counted toward population used to determination representation in the House

32 5 ------ 3 three-fifths compromise

33 The constitution 10pts establishes the purpose of the constitution “We the people…”

34 The Preamble

35 The constitution 20pts The establishment of the 3 branches of government can be found in which articles of the constitution?

36 Articles 1, 2, and 3

37 The constitution 30pts There is no way to change the constitution – in order to modify it, what must congress pass?

38 Amendments

39 The constitution 40pts What does the constitution say is the “supreme law of the land”?

40 U.S. or federal laws

41 The constitution 50pts Within the bill of rights, which amendment talks about “double jeopardy” or the ability to not incriminate yourself?

42 Amendment 5

43 3 Branches of Government 10pts What branch does the following power belong to: negotiate treaties with other countries

44 Executive branch

45 3 Branches of Government 20pts What branch does the following power belong to: Determines if laws are being followed in specific court cases and interprets their meaning

46 Judicial Branch

47 3 Branches of Government 30pts What branch does the following power belong to: Borrow Money and Pay Debts

48 Legislative branch

49 3 Branches of Government 40pts What branch does the following power belong to: appoints ambassadors, supreme court justices, and federal court judges – makes sure that laws are carried out

50 Executive Branch

51 3 Branches of Government 50pts What branch does the following power belong to: Declare War and support an army and navy

52 Legislative branch

53 6 Big principles 10pts no one is above or exempt from the law due to their social and political standing – every person must obey the law

54 Limited government

55 6 Big principles 20pts People elect representatives that share their opinion and values, to be their voice and make the political decisions

56 republicanism

57 6 Big principles 30pts The government only has power because the people give it power. This makes voting very important because it ensures that the people are ruling (of course through others)

58 Popular sovereignty

59 6 Big principles 40pts Power is evenly distributed among the branches and to ensure that no branch has more power than another, each branch can only function with the other two

60 Checks and Balances

61 6 Big principles 50pts Delegated powers are for the national government and they share power with the state governments which have reserved powers

62 Federalism

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