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CRT Review Early Documents

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1 CRT Review Early Documents

2 Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776

3 Thomas Jefferson (main writer)

4 Roger Sherman

5 Benjamin Franklin

6 Robert Livingston

7 John Adams

8 Declaration of Independence
Theories: Natural Rights Life, liberty, and property Basic human rights that cannot be taken away Pursuit of happiness John Locke

9 People create government to protect rights.
Declaration of Independence Theories: Social Contract People create government to protect rights. John Locke “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”

10 Articles of Confederation
Strengths: First National Government Helped us through the American Revolution Weaknesses: Northwest ordinance #1: no common $ Created Northwest Territory out of land that had been divided and sold. Created a way for new states to join the Union. #2: no army #3: No way to pay off debt- cannot tax

11 Articles of Confederation
WEAKNESSES: #4: Shays’ Rebellion Farmers in Massachusetts could not pay taxes and closed down courts so their property could not be taken.

12 Goal = fix the Articles of Confederation
Purpose Constitutional Convention May 1787 Goal = fix the Articles of Confederation But instead… Made a new government!

13 Virginia Plan Bicameral (2 house) legislature or Congress
Proposed by Edmund Randolph Bicameral (2 house) legislature or Congress Representation based on a state’s population

14 New Jersey Plan Unicameral (1 house) legislature or Congress
Proposed by William Patterson Unicameral (1 house) legislature or Congress Equal Representation

15 Great Compromise Bicameral (2 house) legislature or Congress
Proposed by Roger Sherman Bicameral (2 house) legislature or Congress Representation based on a state’s population Equal Representation

16 How do slaves count towards a state’s population?
3/5th’s Compromise 3/5th will count! How do slaves count towards a state’s population?

17 Important people George Washington: James Madison:
President of Convention James Madison: “Father of the Constitution”- helped create the Constitution

18 George Mason: Gouverneur Morris:
Pushed for a bill of rights to be added. Gouverneur Morris: Drafter or ”Penman” of the Constitution

19 Constitution

20 Supporters of the Constitution U.S. needed a strong government
Federalists Supporters of the Constitution Good balance of power U.S. needed a strong government Careful compromises 85 Essays! Wrote The Federalist Papers

21 Antifederalists Opponents of the Constitution
President would be king!! Too much power to national government No bill of rights

22 Power is shared between the National and State Governments
6 Principles: Federalism Power is shared between the National and State Governments

23 Delegated Reserved Concurrent

24 6 Principles: Popular Sovereignty have the People Power!

25 Consent of the Governed
6 Principles: Consent of the Governed “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed..." Permission from the Citizens to have a government.

26 3 Branches 6 Principles: Separation of Power Legislative Executive

27 Supreme Court Constitutional? Unconstitutional? 6 Principles:
Judicial Review Supreme Court Constitutional? Unconstitutional?

28 6 Principles: Checks and Balances keeps 3 branches equal


30 First Amendment Grievances / Petition Religion Assembly Speech Press

31 Fifth Amendment Plea the Fifth – no self-incrimination (don’t have to tell on yourself) Due Process - fair application of the law Double Jeopardy – can’t be charged with the same crime twice Eminent Domain – government can take your land ONLY if for the public good and they give you compensation (money) Grand Jury – trial to see if there is enough evidence

32 Trial by Jury- Panel of citizens listen to the case.
Sixth Amendment Jury Attorney Who and What your being charged with Speedy and public trial Trial by Jury- Panel of citizens listen to the case.

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