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Cyberbullying multimedia project

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1 Cyberbullying multimedia project
By Laura Smith

2 Motivation Interest in Internet usage in teens
Other current websites are stale and appeal to parents and adults

3 Proposed website Journalistic multimedia project targeted towards both teens and parents Home page with 1 minute introductory video about cyberbullying: what it is, who is targeted and where to go for support Personal story page with interviews from teens and/or an informative article focusing on cyberbullying in the local area A social media best practice page. Will include a list of the most popular apps for teens and how they are most commonly used

4 Proposed website Infographic page with interactive infographics (graphs/charts) reader can hover over to see more information Resource page with links to helpful support outlets

5 Colors Possible fonts:

6 Mockup

7 Programs/Skills to be used
After Effects – introductory video HTML/CSS – manipulating Wordpress theme and child theme (non-parallax) Illustrator – graphics and static infographics Animate Edge – interactive graphs and charts Interviewing – Interviews with teens and hopefully ABSS violence prevention specialist or local counselor

8 Ability to interview teens IRB approval?
challenges Ability to interview teens IRB approval? Timeliness – apps popular now will be out of date in a year or two

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