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Assessing Absolute Monarchs

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1 Assessing Absolute Monarchs
Name: ________________________ Assessing Absolute Monarchs Why Now? Renaissance - rise of cities and merchants/businessmen who want the stability that an absolute monarch would provide compared to the feudal system Reformation - as church power decreases, monarchs power increases Exploration - Increase in wealth from new territories leads to increase in power for monarchs Define Absolutism: Absolute monarch holds all the power Define Divine Right: God has chosen the absolute monarch to rule. The monarch only reports to God, not his/subjects Absolute Monarch In what ways is this leader ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! (These are your pros) In what ways is this leader ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE! (These are your cons) His/Her Grade (A, B, C, D, F) and WHY! Philip II Years: Louis XIV ‘ The Sun King’

2 Absolute Monarch Peter the Great Years: Frederick II Elizabeth I
In what ways is this leader ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! (These are your pros) In what ways is this leader ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE! (These are your cons) Their Grade (A, B, C, D, E F) and WHY! Peter the Great Years: Frederick II Elizabeth I

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