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Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Protista

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1 Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Protista
Vocabulary Unit 3 Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Protista

2 Protist

3 Any member of the Kingdom Protista. May be unicellular or multicellular. May be a producer (plant-like), consumer (animal-like) or decomposer (fungus-like)

4 cilia

5 hairlike structures that help with movement and feeding

6 flagella

7 whiplike structure that helps with movement

8 pseudopod

9 "false foot" that helps an amoeba move and capture food

10 Fungi

11 a kingdom of complex, unicellular (yeasts) or multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that obtain food by breaking down dead and decaying organisms and absorbing their nutrients

12 Hyphae

13 Threadlike structures that make up a fungus

14 Mycelium

15 A mass of hyphae

16 Decomposer 

17 An organism that gets nutrients by breaking down and decomposing dead or decaying organic matter. Nature’s recyclers.

18 Symbiotic

19 A close, long term association between two or more species.

20 Mutualism

21 Symbiotic relationship in which BOTH organisms benefit. ( +, + )

22 Parasitism

23 A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed
( +, - )

24 Commensalism

25 A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is neither harmed nor helped. ( +, 0 )

26 Host

27 The organism on or in which a parasite lives; harmed in parasitism.

28 Parasite

29 An organism that invades a host (inside or outside of host’s body); the parasite benefits in parasitism.

30 Succession

31 The gradual regrowth or development of organisms over time.

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