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Globalization and Identity

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1 Globalization and Identity
Social Studies 10-1

2 Chapter 1: Key Concepts Identity Collective Identity Lubicon Cree
Coltan Mining * Should know by end of chp *

3 Identity Identity can be described as the collective aspect of the set of _____________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________. Each of us have our own unique identity shaped by our surroundings. In defining our image, we _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

4 Individual Expression
We express our identity through many different ways: ___________ we speak Friends we choose The clothes we wear The ______ we eat The ___________ we listen to The leisure activities we choose etc….

5 What is your Identity? In order to truly understand what globalization is, we must _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Who are you? We are to a certain extent today identified by the documents we carry For example a passport or ‘ID’ tells us that we belong to a certain country or community

6 Who are You? The Canadian government has announced that all people living in Canada must provide the Department of Homeland Security with a paragraph that identifies them. How would you write your paragraph? (think personals ads?!!) Read p 20 in the text to give you further ideas.

7 What are some Factors that shape who you are?

8 Factors that shape who you are
We have stated some factors that affect our identity, such as: Family Nationality / Heritage History Languages Traditions These are only a few and can be greatly affected by the context in which you are in.

9 Identity Activity: Important Aspects Major Influence


11 Expressing through Traditions
A tradition is an inherited pattern of thought/action or a specific practice and custom of long standing. A tradition is __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

12 Expressing through Tradition
People express themselves through various traditions. These traditions range from eating certain foods, wearing specific clothing, to performing certain rituals. Individuals, families, and groups create their own traditions. What traditions do you follow? How is this an expression of your identity?

13 Expressing through Language
Language is one of the most important aspects of our identity. Language ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Different ideas may contain a different meaning in another culture. What aspect of your identity are you expressing when you speak English? If you speak another language what aspect of your identity are you expressing when you speak this language?

14 Expressing through Language

15 Expressing through Individual Identity
Clothing and body adornment are common ways that individuals express their identity. To Discuss: Is there a such thing as negative expression? Why?

16 Collective Expression
The identity that you express may be a part of the larger collective. Some people are born into and maintain their collective identities. Some do _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

17 Identity in Context Think about the various contexts in which you interact with others. Your list might include the following: (discuss with partner.. To share!) - at home with family members - at school in classes - after school with a sports team or club - at a house of worship with other worshippers - at the mall with friends

18 Homework Read the paragraph “Time and who you are” on p 22 in the text. Create a Venn diagram to note the ways you are the same as, and different from the person you were in grade 7. Aim to show 15 characteristics in point form: 5 describing aspects of your identity in gr. 7 5 describing aspects of your identity today 5 describing aspects that have remained the same

19 Globalization and Identity
Lesson 2: Collective Identity Lubicon Cree Colton Mining Globalization and Identity

20 Collective Identity In each of these contexts, you may be expressing an aspect of your collective identity Each collective probably has ground rules that its members accept without question. These “rules” may be _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

21 Homework Complete Reflect and Respond on page 31
1. Read “Collective Identity and Context” on p 30 in the textbook. Complete Reflect and Respond on page 31 List 5 collectives you belong to and identify at least 1 purpose for each collective 2. Read Impact: “The Struggle of the Lubicon Cree to affirm their Identity” Complete the Worksheet

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