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Lahti Regional Structure

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1 Lahti Regional Structure
SPT-E Planning Studio Anu Castren, Otto-Wille Koste

2 National context Lahti Reference Ympäristöministeriö 2013, 2015

There is not one region in Finland with excellent conditions for future development – even in a relative sense where general poor development would explain it. Localization factors seem to explain the good development in the economical growth fields for some of the stronger, smaller concentration areas. Developmental view Good Avegare Below average Conditions for development Excellent Good Avegare Below average Lähde MDI Reference MDI

In the MDI’s study they looked for example at the size and centrality of the cities, accessibility, agglomeration, specialization on the regions structure of production and knowledge base in the region. Typology Strenght (size of the circle) Diversity (colour of the circle) Most diverse Least diverse Reference MDI

Lahti has not grown as much as other strong learning institutions providing regions. Problem is that there are bigger cities near by with good learning institutions, for example Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä and especially Helsinki. The moving direction has changed due to the growth of Helsinki metropolitan region and a faster train line connection so Helsinki can be seen accessible in day- to-day living. Reference Ympäristöministeriö

6 Commuting between Helsinki metropolitan area and Päijät-Häme in 2011 and 2012
In 2012, 4389 people commuted from Päijät-Häme to Helsinki region and 1240 the opposite direction. In the whole Helsinki-Lahti-Kouvola-corridor nearly people commuted to Helsinki and most of them from Uusimaa region. Commuting has increased as transportation connections has improved. People from Päijät-Häme worked in commercial, building and transportation sectors and people from Helsinki region worked in construction, industry, commercial and social and health service sectors Reference Verkkotietokeskus, Uudenmaan liitto


Nature reserves and their refinement Clean groundwater SOUTHERN FINLANDS GROWTH CORRIDORS PRESENT STRENGHTS AND POTENTIALS Freshwater attractions Cleantech, bio economics, recycling Free time and travel Underground culture Russian speaking population Professional education and corporate integration, diverse economics Regionally produced food Job market integration, commuting Logistics sector Reference Uudenmaan liitto


10 Strenghtening economical ties with Tallinn and possible rail (
Strenghtening economical ties with Tallinn and possible rail (?) connection Russias possible economical growth will add to Northern Europes importance in EU’s economics. Russias opening up to west will increase economical and mobility to Finland and tourisms importance will increase Environmental technology is in Päijät-Häme’s point of view a strenght with the Venäjä connection Lahti’s location is interesting on the periphery of three major co-operation areas Reference Ympäristöministeriö 2015, Päijät-Hämeen maakuntakaava 2015 Uudenmaan liitto

11 Reference Ympäristöministeriö

12 Goal-directed regional structure
Päijät-Häme has inhabitants in They are located in urban villages, parish village and lively rural villages with good levels of service. Village means a more dense populated center with services. Urban villages in Lahti region form a strong large urban agglomeration center inside the larger commuting zone of Helsinki metropolitan area. Urban centers of Heinola and Orimattila strengthen the status of this urban agglomeration center in the Southern Finland Reference Päijät-Häme 2035, Päijät-Häme regional plan, 2009

13 Päijät-Häme is quite small in area and quite monocentric region.
Inhabitants ( ) of Päijät-Häme are mainly located in Hollola-Lahti-Nastola axis (~70%) Amount of residents (Jan 2017): Lahti: (~ in former Nastola) Hollola: Heinola: Under speculation: Does the governmental reform (maakuntauudistus) increase or decrease the power of Lahti?

14 Residential density 1.1.2011 (person/km2)

15 Population development
Population in Päijät-Häme decreased from mid-90’s but begin to increase in year 2000 and has grown ever since. Especially after year 2007 (straight railway Helsinki-Lahti) Total increase between was 5412 of which 3449 between Only three municipalities, Lahti, Hollola and Orimattila gain population increase between Between also population of Nastola increased. Relative decreases in smaller municipalities are quite radical between 1990 – 2013: Hartola (-40,5 %), Padasjoki (-34,2 %) and Sysmä (-33,5 %). Quantitatively largest decrease was in Heinola (-2279, -11,4 %).

16 Catchment areas Examining catchment areas, we see that 44 out of 63 area lost population between Differences are quite intensive even inside municipalities Interesting: There was increase in the Lahti center, but areas close around (public transportation area) it lost population. Relative change in the amount of population Neutral

17 Catchment areas Development was quite similar in workplaces. Only 17 catchment areas had increase in the amount of workplaces. Interesting: There was decrease in the Lahti center Relative change in the amount of workplaces Neutral

18 Sectoral development in amount of jobs
primary production processing services As people concentrate in urban areas, the share of service jobs increases Data: Statistics of Finland Picture: Päijät-Häme Regional Plan

19 Lahti and Hollola form one functional urban area.

20 -> densities along mains roads decrease quickly in distance 3-5 km
Urban fabrics Pedestrian city, 1 km - core area Pedestrian area, 1 km - other areas Pedestrian area , 2 km core area Pedestrian city, 2 km - other areas Sub-center Inner public transportation city, < 8 km Outer public transportation city > 8 km Car city Low-density car city Planned area Center area Commercial area Service area Mixed-use area Mixed-use area - supplement Area of employment Area of employment - supplement Area of employment - reserve Residental area Residental area - supplement Residental area - reserve New / developing road Although 70 % of population in Lahti lives within 5 km from the center, public transportation zone is relatively small. -> densities along mains roads decrease quickly in distance 3-5 km

21 Household density (hh/ha)
Size of urban area (ha) Urban area in Lahti region has sprawled from 1980 to But new plans concentrate to increase population inside existing urban areas. Data:Syke Pictures: Päijät-Häme Regional Plan

22 Apartment houses are located mainly to Lahti center
Apartment houses are located mainly to Lahti center. Also some in Salpakangas (Hollola) and Rakokivi (Nastola). Urban structure of Lahti is formed of east- west-directed urban center string, in which the center city is is framed by sub-centers of Salpakangas and Rakokivi. There’s four existing trainstops and three new suggestions in the regional plan. The new transportation hub in Lahti railway station connects regional transportation and long-distance traffic The new ring road and other transportation solutions above enables significant urban renewal inside the existing urban area. However the new ring road gives possibilities to develop new car-oriented areas.

23 The role(s) of the Lahti-Nastola axis within the regional structure(s)
Lahti-Nastola axis is really central axis in the city-region but until now it hasn’t been that actively developed. Building the new ring road enables center of Lahti to grow towards east. There’s bus going from Lahti to Nastola in every 30 minutes and commuter train 7 times a day with irregular timetable. Increasing commuter trains to go in every 60 minutes on route Järvelä-Lahti- Uusikylä is possible. Investments to new stations (4) would be 120 millions. Operation cost would be 3,5M€ a year of which 1M€ would return as revenue from tickets. Existing urban structure especially in former Nastola area supports commuter train transport. To unleash the full potential, ticket system of bus and train traffic should be unified (as it is in Helsinki region). Source: (Sito 2013) Now as Lahti and Nastola have merged, more there is more interest in developing this direction. Railway corridor and areas around railway stations have a significant role in the new master plan ( )

24 References Aluekehittämisen konsulttitoimisto MDI Kaupunkiverkko 2015. Aluetypologia – kaupungin ja maaseudun paikka­tietoperusteinen aluerajaus. Suomen ympäristökes­kus, 2013. Päijät-Hämeen maakuntakaava 2014, kaavaselostus. Päijät-Häme Päijät-Hämeen maakuntasuunnitelma. Päijät-Hämeen verkkotietokeskus. Ristimäki et al. Yhdyskuntarakenteen tulevaisuus kaupunkiseuduilla. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 4/ Sito Oy Päijät-Hämeen lähijunaliikenteen edellytykset, Esiselvitys. Uudenmaan liitto Neljä käytävää – neljä profiilia. Etelä-Suomen käytäväverkoston profilointiselvitys. Uudenmaan liiton julkaisuja E Ympäristöministeriö ALLI-Kartasto. Suomen aluerakenteen ja liikennejärjestelmän kehityskuvan pohjustus. Helsinki. Saatavilla Ympäristöministeriö, Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö, Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö Uusiutumiskykyinen ja mahdollistava Suomi. Aluerakenteen ja liikennejärjestelmän kehityskuva Grano Oy, Helsinki 2015


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