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Touching Spirit Bear Unit Test Study Guide.

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1 Touching Spirit Bear Unit Test Study Guide

2 Realistic Fiction Characteristics: Real-life situations
Present-day setting (30 years-present) Main character solves a realistic problem NO elements of fantasy/sci fi

3 First Person POV From the perspective of the main character.
Uses “I”, “me”, “us”, etc. Causes the reader to feel very close to the main character

4 Second Person POV Gives the reader a purpose Uses “you”, “your”
Example: How-to book

5 3rd Person Limited POV From the perspective of the main character
Does NOT use “I”, “we”, “our”, etc Effect on reader is similar to First Person POV

6 3rd Person Omniscient The reader is “all-knowing”, experiences the thoughts and feelings of all major characters Causes the reader to feel separate from the action, like an outsider looking in

7 How is Realistic Fiction different from Autobiography, Biography, or Memoirs?
Realistic fiction is based on the lives of fictional characters Auto/Bio/Memoir are all non-fiction and chronicle the lives of real people.

8 External Conflicts in TSB
Person vs Person Cole vs. Peter Person vs. Nature Cole vs. Spirit Bear Person vs. Society Cole vs. justice system Cole vs. his community

9 Internal Conflict in TSB
Cole vs. Himself Anger, shame This is the MAIN CONFLICT in the story!

10 How does the setting contribute to the plot?
Alaska Weather? Wildlife? Time of day? Time of year?

11 Main Theme of TSB

12 Symbolism in the Novel Spirit Bear = peace, inner “goodness”
Circle = circle of life At.oow = protection, warmth Fire = Cole’s anger (setting fire to the shack) Water = inner peace Feather = respect Animal dances = Cole’s state of mind

13 Also be familiar with… Essay response from study guide
Characterization of main characters Plot points in sequence Inciting incident Rising action Climax Falling Denouement/Resolution

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