Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Dr.Burkhard Mielke Margret Rössler Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Dr.Burkhard Mielke Margret Rössler Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Dr.Burkhard Mielke Margret Rössler Germany

2 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership 1.Description and Analysis of the Terms for the Selection of School Headmasters 2.The Continuing Education of Principals in Germany 3.The ESLN Course in European School Leadership

3 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Every teacher will be promoted until he finally reaches the stage of his incompetence!

4 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Advertisement Application Evaluation "Pentathlon": I.Reference report from principal II.Evaluation of a lesson delivered by candidate III.Evaluation and analysis of a colleague‘s lesson, eventually counselling IV.Chairing a staff conference V.Interview with supervisor of schools Election from the group of the applicants with the best evaluation results

5 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Headmastership as a qualification joined to the personality of the teacher

6 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Headmastership as a function joined to the institution of a particular school

7 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership 1.Description and Analysis of the Terms for the Selection of School Headmasters 2.The Continuing Education of Principals in Germany 3.The ESLN Course in European School Leadership

8 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership 1.The Goals for the Continuing Education of New Pricipals 2.Concepts and Organization 3.Contents / Themes 4.Illustrations / Examples 5.Logistics of the Training Programme 6.Other Types of School Principal Training Programmes: 1.Further Education for Experienced Principals 2.Programmes for Aspiring Educational Leaders

9 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership

10 Learning environments for the Education of New School Principals:  Continuing Leadership Seminars  The School – Learning on Location  Specific Case Discussions

11 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Contents / Themes Leadership –School Leadership –Group Leadership –Communication and Perception –Conflict Management: Diagnosis, Intervention –Conference Leadership

12 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Contents / Themes Organization –School Administration and Educational Management –Work Organization and Time Management –Cooperation with Non-School Organizations –Budget and School Development

13 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Contents / Themes Management of Change –School Development –Process-Oriented Work –Overcoming Resistance –Appointment Processes

14 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Contents / Themes Personnel Management –Leadership and Development of Personnel –Team Development –Foundation of School related Counselling / Training –Dealing with Conflicts; Constructive Criticism –Appraisal Interview, Appraisal of Aptitude

15 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Contents / Themes Quality Mangement –Classroom Development –Classroom Observations and De-Briefing –Project Management –Evaluation

16 The Ideal of Leadership

17 Conference Leadership

18 Time Management

19 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Logistics of the Training Programme: State Education Department Institute for Quality Development Expectations and tasks for successful principalship Concept for the Continuing School Leadership Programme (as introduced here) definesdevelopes

20 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Other Types of School Principal Training Programmes: Further Education for Experienced Principals Personnel Management, Leadership, Development Quality Control Management, Evaluation of curricular quality and institutional development

21 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership Other Types of School Principal Training Programmes: Programmes for Aspiring Educational Leaders Portfolio: Explanation of own experiences and competencies Professional biography Strength and weakness analysis Reflection of own behaviour when in a leadership position Reflection of gender specific aspects Reflection of normative obligations (loyalty, responsibility) Peer conversations with school leaders

22 Recreating Linkages between National Programmes and the European Dimension in Educational Leadership National programmes have to be linked to the European dimension

23 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership The European Commission under the Socrates Minerva Programme The European Schoolnet A Consortium of European universities The European School Heads Association The National School Leaders Association of the Netherlands A Government Agency, supported by Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Germany

24 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Developers Professor John West Burnham University of Manchester Professor Petros Pashiardis University of Cyprus

25 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Open to all who are currently involved in Scholl Management (principals / head teachers, deputy or assistant head teachers) Available on-line 3 Modules (each 25 hours of study) + production of a case study + participation in working conferences + On-Line forum (participants, experts)

26 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership The course is to provide an opportunity for educational leaders across Europe to  engage in high-level analysis, reflection and debate on the role and responsibilities of European school leadership  extend and develop their own understanding of the role of a European school leader  extend their practise as European school leaders  contribute to a Europe-wide debate on the nature and purpose of educational leadership.

27 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Module 1:The Moral Dimensions of Educational Leadership What are the distinctive characteristics of educational leadership? How are ethical systems, personal values and moral behaviour linked in school leadership? Is it possible to identify a consensual view on the ethics of educational leadership? Is there a European perspective on the moral dimension of school leadership? How do we know that schools are working in a moral way?

28 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership You overhear a very experienced and successful teacher tell a racist and sexist joke in the teachers’ room. Some staff laugh, others are clearly shocked and angered. A very able team leader insists on only teaching the most able and well behaved classes. He/she insists that young and less experienced teachers should take the difficult classes ‘to learn the job’. An extremist organization applies to book the school hall for a political meeting. The local community is outraged but your school has freedom of speech as a key principle. Several of your teachers object to teaching a student with very poor personal hygiene.

29 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Module 2: Professional Learning and Development How do we understand professional learning and development? What is the nature of professional learning? How can we define the learning organisation? What are the strategies to support professional learning? What is the role of mentoring and coaching? What are appropriate models of review, monitoring and evaluation?

30 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Think of the different aspects of your job and how they might be fitted into each of the quadrants. What sorts of different development needs are there for each category? High complexity Low significance High complexity High significance Low complexity Low significance Low complexity High significance

31 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Module 3: The Leadership of Change How do we define change? What are the major reasons for changing? What strategies can support change? How are personal and organizational change linked? How are change and leadership related? How are change, innovations and transformation linked? What are the necessary conditions to secure commitment to change? Why change?

32 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership TopicManifestationImplications School Improvement Learning Information and Communication Technology Social Change Economic Change Changes to the World Order Climate Change What are the implications for you, leadership in your school and leadership in your education system?

33 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership Further Modules: Module 4: Creating the Learning Centred School Module 5: Education Leadership and the Community Module 6: Educational Leadership in a Changing Europe. (to be added in 2007/2008)

34 The ESLN Course in European School Leadership

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