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The Teacher Foundation A Look at the Evaluation Process by The Teacher Foundation (TTF)

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1 The Teacher Foundation A Look at the Evaluation Process by The Teacher Foundation (TTF)

2 The Teacher Foundation The Intel Awards Brief To identify and recognise teachers and schools who have: effectively and innovatively integrated IT into the existing curriculum promoted inquiry-based and collaborative learning among their students. enhanced student learning in their classrooms through getting them to use technology

3 The Teacher Foundation The Teacher Awards: TTFs 3-Tier Evaluation Strategy Intels Criteria Documentation TTFs 9 Criteria Telephonic Interviews Classroom Observation 650 Teachers 109 Teachers 40 Teachers

4 The Teacher Foundation The Evaluation Panel 6 professionals having a combined experience of decades in education and classroom teaching teacher development content and software development A core team of 3 members did the entire shortlisting up to the middle tier An additional 3 members were involved in the classroom observations phase

5 The Teacher Foundation The Base Tier – of the 3-Tier Evaluation Strategy Intels Criteria Documentation 650 Teachers

6 The Teacher Foundation The Base Tier Intels Criteria (20 points) i)evidence of integration of technology ii)evidence of student learning taking place iii)evidence of implementation of the unit plan iv)evidence of assessment of students v)evidence of use of IT for inquiry-based and collaborative learning vi)use of IT for addressing the differing needs of students

7 The Teacher Foundation The Base Tier (contd) Intels Criteria (20 points) vii)evidence of comparative data analysis to show change in academic performance, behaviour & attitude viii)details of teachers role in the implementation of TAL

8 The Teacher Foundation The Middle Tier – of the 3-Tier Evaluation Strategy Intels Criteria TTFs 9 Criteria Telephonic Interviews 109 Teachers Intels Criteria ¼ th 100 points

9 The Teacher Foundation The Middle Tier TTFs 9 Teacher Evaluation Criteria (45 points ) Criteria 1. Effective Instructional Practices 2. Cross-Curricular Connections 3. Students Engaged in Process Skills 4. Nurturing Reasoning Ability 5. Authentic Assessment 6. Appropriate/Well-presented Information 7. Well-integrated Learning Technologies 8. Accuracy of Content 9. References for Further investigation

10 The Teacher Foundation The Middle Tier ( contd) Telephonic Interviews – Some Questions… 1.Could you describe the exact sequence you followed while conducting the lesson? 2.Why was the use of IT critical for your lesson? 3.What in your opinion is the most appealing aspect of the unit you have planned and submitted ? 4.Did you use this lesson to make connections with other subjects? In what way did you do it? 5.What did your students learn as a result of this lesson? 6.What would you like to do differently, the next time you teach this lesson? Why?

11 The Teacher Foundation What did the Telephonic Interviews Reveal? The teachers thought processes, classroom intentions and decisions Some teachers were able to provide excellent justifications for their use of IT, while others, with seemingly good unit plans, were rather weak in their explanations We found that effective integration of IT in the curriculum involved transcending the interpretation of the computer screen as a moving blackboard Good integration of IT with teaching, requires, in addition, at least a knowledge of multiple teaching strategies

12 The Teacher Foundation The Top Tier – of the 3-Tier Evaluation Strategy Intels Criteria TTFs 9 Criteria Telephonic Interviews Classroom Observation 650 Teachers 109 Teachers 40 Teachers Intels Criteria 50 points

13 The Teacher Foundation The Top Tier TTFs 10 Teacher Evaluation Criteria (50 points ) Criteria 1. Effective Instructional Practices 2. Cross-Curricular Connections 3. Students Engaged in Process Skills 4. Nurturing Reasoning Ability 5. Authentic Assessment 6. Appropriate/Well-presented Information 7. Well-integrated Learning Technologies 8. Accuracy of Content 9. References for Further investigation 10. Student Response & Feedback on the lesson learnt

14 The Teacher Foundation So what were the classroom qualities that grabbed our interest ? A well-planned lesson with clearly stated and achieved learning outcomes for students Appropriate and imaginative use of IT by the teacher Evidence of substantial research done by the teacher and/or by the students Use of student-centred activities Opportunities for students to use technology themselves individually and/ or in collaborative learning situations Opportunities for students to ask questions The personal qualities of the teacher

15 The Teacher Foundation The School Awards – TTFs 2-Tier Evaluation Strategy Intels Criteria Documentation School Visits 100 School Entries 17 Shortlisted Schools 9 Winning Schools

16 The Teacher Foundation School's Background (Govt./Private) (1) Use of IT pre-TAL (1) Evidence of allocation of responsibility for extension of IT (1) Future plans for teachers mentioned (1) Involvement of parents (1) School's Vision / initiative taken / policy changes (10) Mobilization of resources / Preparations made by school (10) The School Awards – The Base Tier – Intels criteria (on 50 pts.)

17 The Teacher Foundation Implementation of TAL (5) Evidence of implemented projects – teachers (5) Evidence of IT-enabled student assignments (5) Evidence of monitoring processes (5) Impact on school administration (5) The School Awards – The Base Tier – Intels criteria (on 50 pts.)

18 The Teacher Foundation School Visits Evidence of: 1.Effective use of available infrastructure and technology across many subjects - reflected in classroom practices and students work 2.Technology enhancing teaching, student learning and overall school administration 3.Future plans and budget allocation regarding integration of technology, ongoing training of all staff

19 The Teacher Foundation Adding wings to a caterpillar does not make a butterfly Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall

20 The Teacher Foundation Teachers care about being good teachers, not becoming IT experts To change school practice (with IT), curriculum goals and materials, assessment policies and teacher development must shift. Without these changes, a new technology will merely be used to enact traditional practices. Stone Wiske in The Digital Classroom ( 2000)

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