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Welcome to the Reception Class Curriculum Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Reception Class Curriculum Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Reception Class Curriculum Evening

2 Curriculum In Reception the curriculum is based around the children’s areas of development. These include both prime and specific areas. Prime areas Personal, social and emotional development Communication and Language Physical development Specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design

3 Topics We promote child initiated learning in Reception. Therefore, we have not yet selected the topics we will be working on throughout the year. The topics will be based around the majority interests of the class. Our topic this term is: All about me. Possible topics so far; Nursery rhymes and traditional tales Animals Space

4 Literacy Each term the children will be taught a unit of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Throughout the year, we will be covering texts that cover the interests of the class. In the Autumn term our texts will be covering the topic: All about me. The children will be expected to use their literacy skills when working in all areas of the curriculum. In addition to Literacy, the children have 20 minutes Phonics and 10 minutes handwriting daily.

5 Reading Throughout the week groups work with the teacher for a Guided reading session. In addition to this they complete an independent follow up activity about the book they are reading. Once a week they complete 1 to 1 reading with an adult. There reading is assessed to make sure they are receiving books the correct books for their ability.

6 Math There will be a daily maths input and throughout the week groups work with the teacher to complete a maths activity. Each term, the children will work on their number and shape, space and measure knowledge. This will include counting, basic addition and subtraction skills, solving number problems, talking about shapes, patterns, money and using mathematical language This is in line with what they need to achieve in order to reach their Early Learning goal.

7 Understanding the world
We will be looking at this area through their topic work. They will learn about the similarities and differences in people, communities and traditions. They will learn to look at changes in the environment and talk about these as they occur. The children will also work with technology to record their learning. This term: Signs of Autumn Body Parts Healthy Eating Past events in their lives

8 Expressive arts and design
This incorporates music, art and design technology. The children will learn about different songs and think about how they can change or add to them. They will work with different materials, think about different artists and ideas surrounding their topic. This term we will be looking at self portraits, recreating Autumn and firework pictures.

9 Communication and Language
Through their learning in the specific areas we shall be working on the prime areas of learning. Within Communication and language we shall be working on: Listening skills Questioning skills Following instructions Speaking using the correct tenses.

10 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Within their learning will shall be looking at: Being co-operative and sharing Adapting to change Following rules and working in a group Forming friendships Discussing feelings Knowing when to asking for help Being independent (selecting resources)

11 Physical development Within physical development we shall be focusing on: Healthy eating and keeping fit Using equipment correctly and confidently. Moving confidently Co- ordination

12 P.E. Reception Class will be doing PE every Monday and Friday morning. We will also be doing shorter PE activities and physical tasks throughout the week. In order to make best use of our hall time, we ask that you encourage your children to practice dressing independently at home.

13 Class Trip We hope to be able to go on a few trips this year. This has started already with a visit to the local church and we will be joining the school on this years Panto trip. We will hopefully build up to some bigger trips. However, we will not be able to specify where we will be going until we have established which topics the children would like to learn about. Examples of previous trips are Barleylands, Colchester Zoo and Wat Tyler Park.

14 Homework Please listen to your child read at home at least three times a week as agreed in the Home/School Agreement, this can be any reading material. Each week your child/ children will bring home a sheet with sounds on it. Please practise saying these sounds and writing them each week as well as recapping previous sounds. As we move throughout the year the children will also bring home maths homework to help consolidate their learning in class.

15 Thank you for coming! Have a safe journey home!
Questions If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask now or see me after. Thank you for coming! Have a safe journey home!

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