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Presentation on theme: "AUDIENCE ANALYSIS Celine Y.S Lam AUDIENCE ANALYSIS1."— Presentation transcript:


2 COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the chapter, you will be able to; 1.Explain the importance of audience analysis 2.List and explain the factors in analyzing audience AUDIENCE ANALYSIS2

3 THE IMPORTANCE  To ensure the presentation is created and delivered in an appropriate manner.  choose and develop a relevant, meaningful topic help tailored effectively to tone, style, language and content  To ensure that your objective is MATCHED=CONVINCED AUDIENCE ANALYSIS3

4 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 1. AUDIENCE EXPECTATIONS  Include occasion, topic, and speaker.  Occasion: will determined the topic Topic: Formal vs Informal (Graduation, Funeral, Election) Speaker: Credibility AUDIENCE ANALYSIS4

5 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 2. KNOWLEDGE OF TOPIC  Never OVERESTIMATE the audience’s knowledge of a topic –may not know certain jargons despite the audience are from the same field  Never UNDERESTIMATE the audience’s knowledge of a topic - speech sounds condescending Give a BRIEF review of important terms and concepts AUDIENCE ANALYSIS5

6 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 3. ATTITUDE TOWARD TOPIC  The openness of the audience towards the topic presented  Want to know how beneficial  NO stereotyping – E.g: Plastic surgery associates with the Koreans and Thais AUDIENCE ANALYSIS6

7 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 5. AUDIENCE SIZE  the larger the audience the more formal the presentation should be.  Language used to 10 persons is different from 100 people  Large audiences often require that you use a microphone and speak from an elevated platform. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS7

8 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 6. DEMOGRAPHICS  include age, gender, religion, ethnic background, class, sexual orientation, occupation, education, group membership, and countless other categories.  A politician will use this method.  DON’t pander exclusively to interests based on demographics – STEREOTYPING  For example: Based on the video, Obama did not cater to one interest group. He knows that foreign student-small village (folding into a larger group). Consequently, he is JUST LIKE US AUDIENCE ANALYSIS8

9 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 7. SETTING  can influence the ability to speak & to listen.  Such as the set-up of the room (both size and how the audience is arranged), time of day, temperature, external noises (lawn mowers, traffic), internal noises (babies crying, hacking coughs)  may appear minor BUT will affect audience attention and participation.  E.g: tired after a meal and late in the day. If scheduled to speak at 1:00 PM, a speaker may have more animation or humor. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS9

10 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 8. VOLUNTARINESS  voluntary = genuinely interested in what a presenter has to say  will assist in establishing how hard a speaker needs to work to spark the interest of the audience.  Do you have any classes that you wish to skip and must attend? AUDIENCE ANALYSIS10

11 AUDIENCE ANALYSIS FACTORS 9. EGOCENTRISM  Egocentric members : interested in things that directly affect them or their community.  Able to show their audience why the topic they are speaking on should be important to them. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS11


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