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World of penguins.

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Presentation on theme: "World of penguins."— Presentation transcript:

1 World of penguins

2 Oil Spills – Science Lab
Oil spills cause damage

3 Effects of Oil Spills

4 Effects of Oil Spills

5 Effects of Oil Spills

6 Effects of Oil Spills

7 Effects of Oil Spills

8 African Penguin – After Cleaning

9 Vocabulary

10 Colony or Rookery colony or rookery – a group of penguins living together

11 Prey prey – food source; the food that is being hunted Fish Krill

12 Predator predator – the animal that is hunting for food (prey) prey

13 Krill krill – a type of food for penguins; tiny, shrimp- like creatures Without krill most of the life forms in the Antarctic would disappear. They are a major food source for all types of Antarctic animals.

14 Blubber blubber – a thick layer of fat under a penguin’s skin (and other cold area animals) that keeps them warm

15 Southern Hemisphere The half of the Earth south of the equator.


17 Hatch hatch – when penguin chicks come out of their eggs

18 Tobogganing tobogganing – the way penguins travel quickly over land; to slide on their stomachs

19 Waddling waddling – the way a penguin walks

20 Crèche crèche – a group of penguin chicks

21 Molting molting – when a penguin loses its old feathers as it grows new ones

22 Brood Pouch brood pouch – a pouch of skin where some penguins store their eggs

23 All About Penguins Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly!
Penguins swim very well. Penguins use their wings as flippers to help them swim as fast as 30 miles per hour. They also use their wings/flippers for balancing as they walk. Penguins get around land 3 ways: Hopping Waddling Tobogganing

24 All About Penguins Penguins live in large groups called colonies or rookeries. All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. Penguins catch their food in the ocean. Their prey are fish, squid, and tiny, shrimp-like krill. Penguins live in cold areas; feathers and blubber keep them warm. There are about 18 species of penguins. Penguins hatch from eggs. A baby penguin is called a chick.

25 Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin Length: about 4 feet long
Weight: up to 88 pounds Largest of all the penguins Habitat: Weddell and Ross Sea regions of the Antarctic

26 King Penguin King Penguin Length: about 3 feet tall
Weight: about 35 pounds Appearance: orange spots around the ears and neck Second largest penguin Habitat: islands surrounding Antarctica

27 Rockhopper Penguin Rockhopper Penguin Length: about 18 to 23 inches
Weight: about 5 to 8 pounds They get their name because they hop over rocks and crevices on the shores where they live. Habitat: various islands around the sub-Antarctic Rockhopper penguin

28 Chinstrap Penguin Chinstrap Penguin Length: about 2 feet tall
Weight: about 10 pounds Chinstrap penguins get their name from the small black band that runs under their chin. Habitat: Antarctic and Bellany Islands

29 Adèlie Penguin Adèlie Penguin Length: about 28 inches
Weight: about 8 to 12 pounds They line their nests with stones; sometimes they steal stones from neighboring nests! Habitat: Antarctic peninsula and surrounding islands

30 Galápagos Penguin Galápagos Penguin Length: up to 21 inches
Weight: up to 6 pounds Population is about 3,000 birds Habitat: Found only near the Galapagos Islands near the equator

31 Gentoo Penguin Gentoo Penguin Length: about 30 to 35 inches
Weight: about 13 pounds Appearance: Have a white band from one eye across the face to the other eye. They build nests using sticks, stones, grass and pebbles. Habitat: Sub-Antarctica and islands off of South America and Southern Africa

32 Macaroni Penguins Macaroni Penguins Length: about 28 inches
Weight: about 13 pounds Appearance: Black and yellow plumes on top of the head; black chin The term “Macaroni” comes from a type of men’s hat worn in England. Habitat: islands around Antarctica

33 Royal Penguins Royal Penguins Length: about 23 inches
Weight: about 12 pounds Appearance: Yellow and black plumes on head; white chin Habitat: Macquarie Islands (between New Zealand and Antarctica)

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