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Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

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2 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

3 HabitatAppearanceBabies 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points TypesFacts

4 True or False: All penguins look alike.

5 False

6 Penguins are a type of _______.

7 Bird

8 How are penguins different from most birds?

9 They cannot fly.

10 What is it called when a penguin slides on its belly?

11 Toboggan

12 Penguins eat A. Seals B. Elephants C. Seafood


14 Penguins live near the _____ Pole.

15 South

16 True or False: Thousands of people live in Antarctica.

17 False

18 A group of penguins live together in a _______.

19 Colony

20 What is the climate like in Antarctica?

21 Cold

22 Small shrimp-like creatures in the sea that penguins eat are _______.

23 Krill

24 What type of penguin is this?

25 King

26 What type of penguin is this?

27 Chinstrap

28 What type of penguin is this?

29 African

30 What type of penguin is this?

31 Emperor

32 What type of penguin is this?

33 Rockhopper

34 Penguin bodies are covered with ______.

35 Feathers

36 Which Emperor Penguin holds the egg on its feet? Male or Female

37 Male

38 ____________ keeps a penguin warm.

39 Blubber

40 What body part helps penguins swim?

41 Wings

42 What do penguins use to catch fish?

43 Bill

44 What do baby penguins hatch from?

45 Eggs

46 A baby penguin is called a ______.

47 Chick

48 Why do baby chicks huddle together?

49 To stay warm.

50 How does a mother penguin find her chick when she gets back from sea?

51 Listens for the baby’s cry/sound.

52 How does a penguin feed its baby?

53 The chick puts its beak into the mothers mouth.

54 Make your wager

55 Final Answer

56 Final Question

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