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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Aims of the Meeting To understand what the SATS tests are like.
To have a clearer idea of how you can help your child be secondary ready.

3 SATS Tests Why they are important – Progress 8.
When are they 14-17th May. What is involved? Monday: Grammar, Vocabulary and Punctuation: 40 minutes Monday: Spelling 20 minutes approximately. Tuesday: Reading 1 hour. Wednesday: Maths I x 30 minutes (arithmetic/fluency). Wednesday and Thursday: 2 x 40 minutes (reasoning).

4 How are the tests marked?
Externally marked. Actual score your child achieved. Scaled score range A child who achieves 100 has met end of year expectations. A child who achieves 110+ has exceeded end of year expectations

5 Significantly Raised Expectations
Spelling Grammar Punctuation Maths Reading

6 How can you help your child to improve their English and Maths ?

7 Fronter CGP books

8 Reading - How can you help?
Listen to your child read every day. PACE of work a huge issue in this test. Discuss what they are reading. Sign Homework Diary. Talk about the story line, the characters, what will happen next. Ask then to explain what they like and what they don’t and justify their opinions. Focus on key words, their meaning and why the author has chosen them. Encourage you child to read a wide range of texts and extend their choices. Use the questions we have provided.

9 Writing Assessment No test in writing.
Assessment just based on teacher assessment of their work across the year and across subjects. Spelling, punctuation and grammar test in SATs week – see sample papers.

10 Accept that it is hard Like juggling lots of balls.
Read lots to them and with them. ‘The readers are the writers’. Be a magpie. Show off –Don’t accept their first idea or first word.

11 Identify the issues that your child might have
Coming up with ideas – who what when where how why? Accuracy in basic punctuation. Not including enough descriptive detail (similes, metaphors and precisely chosen vocabulary) paint a picture. Not organising their writing clearly enough – paragraphing.

12 More issues that your child might have
Not structuring their sentences well enough – variety in structure, length and type – using connectives and varying the way the start their sentences. Not starting and ending their writing really well – these are the key sentences for impact on a reader/marker.

13 Even more issues that your child might have
They don’t show off how well they can really write VCOPS as a checklist Vocabulary Connectives and cohension Openings of sentences Punctuation (comma splice) and paragraphing Sentence type Look at the checklist inside their writing books

14 Spelling Children have to be able to spell words from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 lists to meet end of year expectations. Word list – years 3 and 4 p64 Spelling – years 5 and 6 p66 Lists are in reading record books. So please work with your child – use look, say, cover, write check.

15 Grammar Show sample questions. 2016 q 29,40,43, 44 Let’s eat grandpa.
Correct punctuation can save a person’s life.

16 Maths Keep working on basics. Tables. Number bonds.
Fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division written methods. Sample questions reasoning paper 2 q 20 and 21.

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