The end of the Archidamian War

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Presentation on theme: "The end of the Archidamian War"— Presentation transcript:

1 The end of the Archidamian War
CLAS/HIST3001 The end of the Archidamian War

2 Major Themes of Thucydides' Work?
National characteristics: Athens vigorous (too vigorous?) Sparta cautious The inevitable working out of history due to human nature and the nature of things Fear at the increasing power of another Chance interrupts best plans Degradation of human character in extreme situations


4 The Campaign at Pylos 400 Spartan troops locked up on island
Reversal of order What is the end- game?

5 Peace-offer Thuc. 4. 17-20 What would be the Periclean response?
Thuc what do the Athenians of this day do? Why? Brutalization of war New leadership

6 Cleon the 'Demagogue' Demagogue: Demos Agoge leadership
Leader of the people How is this bad? More issue of character, policy and breeding to Athenians

7 The Helots of Sparta What can we learn of their condition based on their activity? (4.26)

8 Cleon Makes Good What does Nicias' response to Cleon's boasts show about the relationship between generals and politicians? Who really won the battle of Sphacteria? (4.32) What were his tactics? What do these tell us about the state of hoplite warfare?

9 Crushing the Lacedaimonian Myth of Invincibility
How does the city respond to their capitulation? How many of those were really Spartan citizens? What is the response in the rest of Greece (4.40)?

10 Terms of the Peace of Nicias 421
Athens to receive back Panactum, a fortress on frontier with Boeotia, and the revolted cities back into her alliance without prejudice. Their autonomy is to be guaranteed. Sparta to get back her holdings in the Peloponnese and adjacent islands plus her 400

11 Truce in Jeopardy Trouble with Spartan Allies:
1. Corinth refused to recognize Athenian holdings in Akarnania 2. Megara refused to accept loss of her port of Nisaea 3. Boeotia refused to give up Panactum National characteristics

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