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KARAOKE (Prinsip & Konsep Dasar)

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Presentation on theme: "KARAOKE (Prinsip & Konsep Dasar)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KARAOKE (Prinsip & Konsep Dasar)
Iwan Sonjaya, MT

2 INTRODUCTION Karaoke is a Japanese abbreviated compound word, "kara" comes from "karappo" meaning empty, and "oke" is the abbreviation of "okesutura," or orchestra. Usually, a recorded popular song consists of vocals and accompaniment. Musical works in which only the accompaniment is recorded were named "karaoke." Karaoke singing involves singing to such recorded accompaniments of popular songs in front of a live audience. After the singer chooses a song from a catalogue, lyrics are usually displayed on a monitor, recorded music plays, and it's Showtime for the novice pop star.

3 a Karaoke-style Text Read-aloud System
Karaoke (カラオケ) is a form of interactive entertainment in which an amateur singer sings along with recorded music. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol, changing color, or music video images, to guide the singer. 5

4 Invented in the late 1970's, the wild popularity of karaoke over the years has swept this form of singing into the mainstream throughout the world. Karaoke creates its own culture, while reflecting much about the wider culture and the place of popular music as a media form.

5 Aim - This program attempts to create karaoke of a song
Aim - This program attempts to create karaoke of a song. It attempts to remove voice and then writes it to a new wav file. Principle - This program utilizes the fact that voice is recorded equally in both channels without any stereo effect.

6 Method First one of the channel is high pass filtered.
This is done to protect the low end bass which is also recorded equally on both channels. Then this channel is subtracted from the other. The common part that is voice gets cancelled.

7 Brief Of Algorithm Used
Select the high pass filter cut off about Hz. If there is too much voice in the output reduce this value. If it has too little bass increase this value. Note that by doing so voice will also increase.

8 Output is mono and a bit harsh .
Does not remove chorus . Also fails if the voice is not identical in both channels . It takes only .wav as input. You can convert your .mp3 into .wav using any converter.

9 So, Let’s Begin

10 To Transcribe the lyrics
Transcription of lyrics using speech recognition is an extremely challenging task as singing differs from speech in many ways. The phonetic and timing modification, presence of meaningless syllables often employed by singers and interference of the instrumental background would make an acoustic classifier trained on normal speech a poor match to the acoustics of the sung vocal line.

11 Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Given: a piece of Text and its speech, e.g., Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project supported by the Wikimedia Foundation and based on a model of openly editable content. The name "Wikipedia" is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a technology for creating collaborative websites, from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning "quick") and encyclopedia. Wikipedia's articles provide links designed to guide the user to related pages with additional information. The goal is to obtain its speech

12 Google TTS API pip install gTTS in a Python module
from gtts import gTTS aText= 'Wikipedia is a multilingual, ...' aLang= 'en' tts= gTTS(text= aText, lang= aLang)"aSpeech.mp3") aText aSpeech.mp3

13 FFmpeg About Ffmpeg – [ FFmpeg is a free software project that produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data. It is one of the leading multimedia frameworks, able to do many DSP tasks, including ... decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play

14 Pcm, 16 bits/sample Little endian 1 (mono) channel
16000 samples/sec FFmpeg -i aSpeech.mp3 -y - vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar f wav aSpeech.wav aSpeech.mp3 aSpeech.wav Verifying by seeing and hearing FFplay aSpeech.wav Or using an interactive audio tool, like Audacity. 10

15 Audacity (audio editor)
Audacity is a powerful, free open source digital audio editor Its features include: Recording and playing back sounds Importing and exporting of WAV, MP3, .... Viewing and editing via cut, copy, and paste, ... aSpeech.mp3 aSpeech.wav

16 Wav splitting In Sentence-level, this can be straightforward done by extracting the time information from the TTS mp3 files, which are received sentence by sentence. Sentence boundaries

17 Audacity Klik menu File > Open > Pilih lagu > Klik Open
Klik tanda panah pada bagian kiri trek lagu, pilih Split Stereo Track pada dropdown. Di sini trek akan terbagi dua.

18 Pilih trek bagian bawah dengan klik bagian tengah antara tanda panah dan bagian Mute/Solo
Klik menu Effect > Invert dan biarkan invert berjalan

19 Pilih tanda panah bagian kiri trek bawah, pilih Mono
Ulangi langkah yang sama, pilih tanda panah pada bagian kiri trek atas, pilih Mono

20 Tekan Play atau tombol spasi untuk mendengarkan hasilnya

21 Terimakasih Sampai jumpa minggu depan , mari berkaraoke bersama

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