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Presentation on theme: "PERIODICAL TEST IN MAPEH III"— Presentation transcript:


2 Fill in the blanks. The ______ believed in “_____ as the measure of all things.”

3 The GREEKS believed in “MAN as the measure of all things.”

4 It was in the form of small rectangular wooden box covered with a flat roof and was developed in the archaic period.

5 Greek Temple

6 What are the basic orders of columns?

7 Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

8 It is the order that expresses strength and nobility; it is plain, short and thick.

9 Doric order

10 True or False. The Parthenon in Athens reflects the Ionic order.

11 False. It’s Doric!

12 It is the highest, most slender and the most decorative of the three orders.

13 Corinthian

14 Who is the sculptor of Discobolus or the Discus Thrower?

15 Myron

16 Who is the sculptor of Venus de Milo?

17 Praxiteles

18 Who was the father of Egyptology?

19 Jean Francois Champollion

20 Who discovered the colossal bust of Ramses II?

21 Giovanni Belzoni

22 What did Howard Carter discover?

23 Tomb of Tutankhamen

24 What did Per-aa mean?

25 Great House


27 According to the legend, who founded Rome?

28 Romulus and Remus

29 What does SPQR mean?

30 Senatos Pupolusque Romanesque

31 When did King John of England sign the Magna Carta?

32 1912

33 When did Columbus reach America?

34 1442

35 The greatest art center of the Medieval period.

36 Constantinople

37 The greatest wonder of engineering.

38 Hagia Sophia

39 Considered as the most sacred place on earth.

40 Holy Sepulcher

41 It means “rebirth’’

42 Renaissance

43 He is painter of Last Supper and Mona Lisa.

44 Leonardo da Vinci

45 He asked Michaelangelo to paint the ceiling of Sistine Chapel.

46 Pope Julius II

47 He painted “School of Athens”

48 Raphael Santi

49 It is the great age of pyramid building.

50 Old Kingdom

51 It was an achievement of the architects of Lle de France in Paris.

52 Gothic

53 It was a form of festive courtly entertainment which flourished in 16th to 17th century.

54 Masque

55 It is the most formal of the ballet styles.

56 Classical ballet

57 A form of dance influenced by both classical ballet and modern dance.

58 Contemporary Ballet

59 First pioneer of contemporary ballet.

60 George Balanchine

61 It is a wheeled wagon used to bring dead characters with view for the audience.

62 Ekkyklema

63 The muse of tragedy.

64 Melpomeneis

65 What was the technique discovered by Leonardo da Vinci which means a blurring of the edges of figures as if they were disappearing in shadow?

66 sfumato

67 Who was the most lyrical of the impressionist painters?

68 Claude Monet

69 Why Camille Pissaro was called the “Village Impressionist”?

70 Because he painted peasant scenes

71 What was the greatest triumph of illusion of Giovanni Lorenz Bernini?

72 Ecstasy of Saint Theresa

73 It is a kind of painting which is more about the artist than the subject.

74 Expressionism

75 Study the artists and their works.

76 Good luck


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