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Tools for Building Bridges in the Midst of Trouble

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1 Tools for Building Bridges in the Midst of Trouble
Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton Presiding Bishop Fifth Episcopal District Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

2 John 16: 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”

3 What Is a Bridge? A connector between two points
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

4 Can you build a bridge by starting at either end?
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5 Most Essential Tool



8 In Ministry: The Foundation of Building Bridges

9 Spiritually Healthy People Communities Churches

10 A Solid Foundation Spirituality

11 A Solid Foundation: Spirituality
A person’s life and activity in relationship to God, to oneself, to other people, and to all things in reference to God

12 Elements of Spirituality
An awareness of the transcendent Validation of support of religious behaviors God loves me Being thankful Feeling forgiven With God’s help, can transcend my circumstances This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

13 Spirituality (continued)
A sense of belonging Unconditional love Personal dignity Support in dealing with change and loss Continuity

14 Spirituality (continued)
A sense of meaning An internal sense of purpose and hope Ability to express doubt and anger Beliefs to help prepare for change and loss

15 Spirituality (continued)
A means of creativity Sense of worthiness Love and serve others

16 Barriers to Spiritual Growth
Unfinished business Unrealistic Obligations Unclear Priorities

17 Consequences of a Underdeveloped Spirituality
Lack of a sense of fulfillment Isolation Difficulty making decisions Mistrust and fear Inability to engage/help others

18 Hindrances to Spiritual Growth
Too many commitments Lack of awareness of needs Poor self-esteem High expectations/perfectionism “Messiah” or “Superwoman” complex Lack of Resources

19 Consequences of Poor Spirituality
Physical illness Compromised mental health Spiritual emptiness Loss of enthusiasm for life Inability to adapt to change

20 DISCUSSION What is currently challenging your ability to maintain or establish a solid foundation of spirituality?

21 What are the essential elements for a healthy relationship to self?
Mrs. Cynthia Ward Southside CME Church Birmingham, Alabama

22 Christian Chapel Temple of Faith CME Church
What are the essential elements for a healthy relationship between church and community? Rev. Dr. Vanessee Burns Christian Chapel Temple of Faith CME Church Dallas, Texas

23 Conclusion What can I do to have a healthy spirituality upon which to build bridges?

24 STEP 1. REST A period of purposeful inactivity for the mind, body and spirit

25 STEP 2. REFLECTION A time of reviewing what has happened, how you feel/felt, how you were impacted by life’s events and experiences

26 STEP 3. RETOOLING A process of assessing the information, resources, skills, interaction you need in the future

27 STEP 4. REFUELING The process of obtaining the information, resources, skills and interaction that you identified

28 STEP 5. RENEWAL The process of re-engagement in life and relationships with new energy, insight and growth.


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