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Review Questions--Greece thru Rome

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Presentation on theme: "Review Questions--Greece thru Rome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Questions--Greece thru Rome

2 Describe Greece’s Geography:

3 Peninsula with limited fertile land making trade necessary that controlled the Aegean Sea. Mild climate promoted life outdoors. Need to colonize abroad for land and because of overpopulation.

4 King of Greek Olympic gods?

5 Zeus

6 Queen/mother of Greek gods?

7 Hera

8 Greek goddess of love?

9 Aphrodite

10 Type of government Athens had during its golden age?

11 Direct democracy

12 Tyrant reformer of Athens whose laws were too harsh?

13 Draco

14 Tyrant reformer who made Athens more democratic?

15 Solon

16 Who could not participate in Athen’s democracy?

17 Women, slaves, foreigners.

18 Militaristic city-state with an oligarchy; rivaled Athens?

19 Sparta

20 Wars between Greece and Persia?

21 Persian Wars

22 Two victories for Greece over Persia in the Persian Wars?

23 Marathon and Salamis

24 Why was the Persian Wars important to the development of Greek culture?

25 Led to the creation of the Delian League; temporary unification of Greek city-states; led to Athenian Golden Age

26 Leader of the Athenian Golden Age?

27 Pericles

28 Wars between Athens/ Delian League and Sparta/Peloponnesian League?

29 Peloponnesian War

30 Results of the Peloponnesian War?

31 Ended Athenian Golden Age; decline of Greece - ripe for attack by Philip II

32 Greek marketplace and meeting place?

33 Agora

34 Great temple built during the reign of Pericles with oversight by Phidias (temple to Athena)?

35 Parthenon

36 Greek fortified hill?

37 Acropolis

38 One of two tragedy playwrights?

39 Aeschylus or Sophocles

40 Writer of the Iliad and Odyssey?

41 Homer

42 Great Greek sculptor of Athena and Zeus?

43 Phidias

44 Father of History; wrote about Persian Wars?

45 Herodotus

46 Developed density, water screw, pi, and improved use of the lever?

47 Archimedes

48 Father of scientific medicine?

49 Hippocrates

50 Father of geometry?

51 Euclid

52 Great Greek Philosophers?

53 SPA: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

54 Great philosopher who was sentenced to death; taught knowledge is the greatest virtue?

55 Socrates

56 Wrote The Republic; student of Socrates?

57 Plato

58 Teacher of Alexander the Great?

59 Aristotle

60 Greek-like culture that blended with Oriental cultures?

61 Hellenistic

62 Person Responsible for spreading Hellenistic culture?

63 Alexander the Great

64 Describe Rome’s geography:

65 Centrally located in Mediterranean Basin, Alps provided some protection, fertile soil.

66 Modern day France used to be called?

67 Gaul

68 Our planets are named after?

69 Roman gods and goddesses

70 King of Roman gods?

71 Jupiter

72 Roman goddess of love?

73 Venus

74 Powerful nobility of Rome/Upper class?

75 Patricians

76 Majority of Romans; commoners/lower class?

77 Plebeians

78 Laws of Rome?

79 12 Tables

80 Rome’s laws guaranteed (what principle do we still use)?

81 Innocent until proven guilty

82 Wars between Rome and Carthage?

83 Punic Wars

84 Carthaginian general who invaded Rome during the Second Punic War?

85 Hannibal

86 How did Rome gain control of the western Mediterranean Sea and trade through the region?

87 Victory against Carthage in Punic Wars.

88 Causes for the decline of the Roman Republic?

89 Spread of slavery, migration of small farmers to the cities (homeless, jobless), civil war and inflation

90 Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

91 Some Senators felt he was becoming too powerful and popular

92 Who defeated Marc Antony to become Rome’s first emperor?

93 Octavian/Augustus

94 200 year period of peace and prosperity for the Roman Empire?

95 Pax Romana

96 Who was the emperor who began the Pax Romana?

97 Augustus

98 As Rome’s empire grew, what happened to the power of the Senate?

99 Went down

100 What was the impact of the Pax Romana?

101 Uniform system of currency, safe travel and trade, expansion of the Roman Empire, social stability

102 Who was the apostle who spread Christianity to the people of the Roman Empire?

103 Paul

104 Which Roman emperor legalized and adopted Christianity?

105 Constantine

106 Book that tells of the life and teachings of Jesus?

107 New Testament

108 Monotheistic?

109 Belief in one god

110 3 monotheistic religions?

111 Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism

112 As Rome’s Empire fell, what happened to the power of the Catholic Church?

113 It increased

114 Roman architectural contributions?

115 Dome, road, Pantheon, Colosseum, aqueduct, Roman arch

116 Language of Rome?

117 Latin

118 The Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, etc
The Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, etc.) are based on?

119 Latin

120 Writer of the Aeneid?

121 Virgil

122 Belief in many gods?

123 polytheistic

124 Why did the Western Roman Empire decline?

125 Cost of defense, inflation, moral decay, political problems, civil wars, unclear line of succession, and invasions by barbarians.

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