American Society of Agronomy Crop Science Society of America Soil Science Society of America ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are non-profit, international scientific,

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Presentation on theme: "American Society of Agronomy Crop Science Society of America Soil Science Society of America ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are non-profit, international scientific,"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Society of Agronomy Crop Science Society of America Soil Science Society of America
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are non-profit, international scientific, educational organizations headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. All three Societies share a close working relationship and office staff, but each are separate and governed by its own bylaws and Board of Directors. In addition, while they share the same programs, they also develop their own unique programs and services.

2 Who Are We? 11,000 members worldwide Serving Scientists
Applied professionals Educators Students ASA, CSSA, SSSA are leaders in serving their members through publications, awards, career placement center, certification, meetings and student activities. There is also a science policy office in Washington, DC, to give members a voice in government. Each society is made up of divisions of interest that coincide with areas of expertise within the society.

3 Who Are We? Professionals in Agronomy Crop Science Soil Science
Environmental Science Dedicated to improving quality of life and environmental health We are employed as certified crop consultants, agricultural producers, foresters, land appraisers, laboratory technicians and managers, licensed fertilizer and pesticide applicators, ecologists, educators, extension specialists and research scientists.

4 Non-Governmental Agencies Institutes And much more
Universities Government Industry Extension Non-Governmental Agencies Institutes And much more More specifically, we are professionals in: turf and fertilizer industries seed companies crop management companies state and federal agencies environmental and agricultural consulting firms educational institutions And more

5 Job Placement Student Program Certification Networking
Career Resources As a member, you can take advantage of the online Career Placement Center were you can post a resume and access job and graduate school listings free of charge. The Societies also support an undergraduate student program and many certification programs There are many ways to network by attending annual and regional meetings, volunteering on committees, attending workshops and staying connected through the newsletter. Their web site includes a member directory, newly released books, links to executive summaries of the journals, and annual meeting information.

6 Online job & graduate school postings Annual meeting job interviews
Free resume posting Online job & graduate school postings Annual meeting job interviews Career Tools The Career Placement Center functions to promote career opportunities and serves to connect job seekers and employers. Members can post resumes free of charge and have them searched by employers online. They also receive on free personnel ad in the Positions Wanted category in CSANews. The Service offers interview sessions for jobs and graduate school at their Annual Meetings. Job postings are published monthly in CSANews and updated daily online.

7 Students of Agronomy, Soils & Environmental Sciences (SASES)
60 affiliated chapters nationwide Over 600 undergraduate members SASES is the undergraduate student program of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA. It is composed of chapters located at colleges and universities that provide a curriculum in agronomy, crops, soils and environmental sciences. A variety of programs and activities are offered on the local and national level for students to become professionally involved and to prepare for their future careers. SASES is governed by a five member executive committee, elected each year during the annual meetings. This committee and a faculty advisor, plan and coordinates the annual meeting program. They are assisted by twelve student chairs who are responsible for specific meeting functions and student contests.

8 Awards, Scholarships & recognition
Contests Awards, Scholarships & recognition National & regional meetings Leadership Opportunities Students can participate in a variety of activities such as the Manuscript, Speech, Research Symposium, Visual Presentation, Club Poster, Soil and Crops Judging Contests. An annual program call National Student Recognition Program recognizes outstanding seniors in agronomy, crop, soil and environmental science departments. The SASES has there own annual meeting program in conjunction with the annual meetings of ASA, CSSA and SSSA. This a 3 ½ day event that includes business meetings, contests, tours, professional development programs and socials. Two regional meetings are scheduled each spring. These are one and a half day events that are hosted by SASES chapters at their schools. Through the Crop Science Society of America, the Golden Opportunity Scholars Program matches undergraduates with scientist-mentors during the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. The program encourages talented students to enter the crop sciences, cultivate networks, and develop the necessary workforce to sustain the profession. In each of the past three years, undergraduate scholars have been selected based on their academic achievements and interest in crop science. The program provides financial support for travel, lodging, registration, and other costs related to attending the Annual Meetings.

9 Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg)
Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) Certified Professional Soil Classifier (CPSC) Certification strives to assure individuals are qualified to be practicing the profession. The certification process involves examination and review of education, experience and references. Certification is open to all public and private professionals who can meet the rigorous standards. The Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Program is the largest agriculturally oriented certification program in North America. Individuals are certified by the local board, set up on state, province or regional basis and the international board sets the overall guiding policies for the program. CCAs must past two comprehensive exams covering nutrient management, soil and water management, integrated pest management, and crop management. They must have at least two years of crop advising experience with a B.S. degree or four years of experience plus appropriate references. Additional certifications in Agronomy and Soils are also available. Each certification requires at least a B.S. degree with three years of experience and references. The Certified Agronomist and Soil Scientist designations both require examinations.

10 Science Policy Updates
CSA News Magazine SASES Newsflash News Flash Science Policy Updates CSANews is a members-only magazine of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA. Each month you’ll receive news about Society members, the latest research, international issues, meetings and symposia, publication announcements, job listings, student and career services, certification information, science policy news, and other up-to-date information. SASES News is a quarterly electronic publication specifically aimed to SASES affiliated chapters and their members. The publication contains information about SASES chapters, contests, scholarships, meeting and awards. Available exclusively to members of the Societies is the News Flash. This bi-weekly newsletter keeps members up-to-date on news, events and the Societies’ activities. A Science Policy update is also sent electronically, on a bi-weekly basis.

11 Broaden your professional contacts Become professionally involved
Meet new people Broaden your professional contacts Become professionally involved Prepare for your career Make a change Gain access to 11,000+ professionals Stay informed through publications, newsletter and annual meeting professional development programs. Serve on a Society committee. Create opportunities for networking and mentoring.

12 To join: www. agronomy. org/students www. crops. org/students www
To join: or call The undergraduate student membership rate is $12 for 2009 (U.S. members). This membership rate applies to joining one, two or all three Societies. Students can join through their SASES chapter or individually. As a member, you may also subscribe to Society journals as a reduced rate and receive member discounts on books and publications.

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