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Tobacco in Colonial Virginia

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1 Tobacco in Colonial Virginia

2 Tobacco in Colonial Virginia
The success of tobacco as a cash crop transformed life in the Virginia colony and encouraged slavery. Cash crop – A crop that is grown to sell for money rather than for use by the growers.

3 Tobacco in Colonial Virginia
Tobacco dominated Virginia’s colonial economy for several reasons. Virginia had plenty of farmland on which to grow it. The arrival of Africans provided labor to grow it.

4 Tobacco in Colonial Virginia
England and the rest of Europe were willing to pay a lot of money for tobacco. People raising tobacco made lots of money! (Tobacco became known as green gold!)


6 Tobacco in Colonial Virginia
The economy of the Virginia colony depended on agriculture as a primary source of wealth. Tobacco quickly became the most profitable agricultural product. Tobacco was sold in England as a cash crop.

7 The Effects of Tobacco on the Virginia Colony
The successful planting of tobacco depended on a reliable (steady) and inexpensive source of labor.


9 The Effects of Tobacco on the Virginia Colony
Large numbers of African men, women, and children were brought to the colony against their will to work as slaves on the plantations. The Virginia colony became dependent on slave labor, and the dependence lasted a long time.

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