OBR presentation for OhioLearns! July 16, 2013 Melissa Sponseller, Data Analyst, OBR.

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Presentation on theme: "OBR presentation for OhioLearns! July 16, 2013 Melissa Sponseller, Data Analyst, OBR."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBR presentation for OhioLearns! July 16, 2013 Melissa Sponseller, Data Analyst, OBR

2 Ohio Board of Regents Staff Stephanie McCannDirector, Data Management and Analysis Melissa SponsellerData Analyst, Contact for submitting DL file msponseller@regents.state.oh.us Adam SchimingData Analyst, Contact for Username and Password aschiming@regents.state.oh.us

3 The Higher Education Information (HEI) System at OBR Implemented January 1998 Web-enabled data warehouse containing information from Ohio’s Public and Private Colleges and Universities Contains information about Academic Programs Enrollments and Student Demographics Finances Facilities Faculty and Staff Financial Aid Capital Planning Distance Learning

4 How do I submit my distance learning data to HEI? Much of the HEI homepage is open to the public File descriptions, editing information, aggregate reports However, you need a username and password assigned by your HEI Campus Liaison to access the secure areas of the web site The Data Input Site is the web page used to send your data Data are submitted in a fixed width or tilde delimited text file Data are submitted by file name, year and term Your Data Input Site stores all your previously submitted files distance learning files

5 How do I submit my distance learning data to HEI? The Distance Learning data will now be submitted via the Distance Learning Courses and Sections (DL) file within the enrollment data area Data still must pass standard edit and load specification in order to guarantee accuracy and similarity At the end of the business day, your data are sent electronically to the OhioLearns! database and will then appear on the OhioLearns! website

6 Old vs. New DO/DS Two files Submit anytime during the year for any year and term Linked to the course enrollment data in in HEI DL One file Submit anytime during the year for any year and term Less information required No link to the enrollment data in HEI Seamless Transition









15 OHSU~2013~NA~BIO101~001~123456~UN~05~05~Biology 101~WEOD~Anytime~None~08252013~121512013~N~Biology~N~N~NA~ This course is about Biology~~ In your text file, each record is one line Three Data Types Alphabetic Campus Code (OHSU) Alphanumeric Course ID (BIO101) Case and Blank sensitive Numeric Subject Code (123456) Sample DL record and Data Formatting Conventions

16 Number of Characters Each record must be a certain amount of characters long (e.g. 315 for the DL file if you do fixed width). One way to test is to copy your record into Word and do a “Word Count” Column Position Justification Most files require left justification and will cause matching errors if your data are centered in each field Make sure there is not a “hard return” at the end of your file or it will cause an error with the submission More Data Formatting Conventions

17 E&L Specs are the code that we give to our programmers to create programs to receive and input your data into the HEI database Contains the list of Errors and Warnings Contains information to understand the errors warnings Can be used by you to create programs to submit your data to HEI What are Edit and Load Specifications?


19 The File Header Record Each text file that you submit to HEI must have a header that tells the system who, what, when and how many The header is the first row at the top of your text file containing all your records Example OHSUDL2013NA000001 OHSU = Institution DL = Type of File 2013 = Year NA = Term 000001 = Number of records, must be 6 character spaces

20 Pre-submission Checklist File header record correct? Is the file formatted per the Data Submissions Document? Is the submission only plain text? Are all extra characters removed before the delete switch? The term in the header for the DL is always NA and the year is always the current year All items completed on pre-submission checklist… file submission time!





25 Here are other options available from your DIS.

26 Drop down box will only show submissions with open edit windows and files that you are allowed to submit

27 Click “Browse” to select the file saved on your local drive

28 Highlight your file and click Open

29 Click “Submit File” to submit the file to the Data Input Site

30 Read the file submission prompt and click “OK”

31 Successful Submission Notification

32 Email containing summary of the edit results

33 Return to the Data Input Site to review errors and warnings

34 Entire File allows the data reporter to view the entire data file submission. Edit Statistics provide the time the edits began and ended, total number of records read, total number of errors or warnings, and number of repeat submissions that occurred in the data file. Tab Delimited Edit Results provide the primary edits results as tab delimited text Primary Edit Results provide detailed information about the individual record errors and warnings that occurred in the file. Summary Edit Results provide summary information for all the records in this file and, on occasion, those already in the database (*Not in the DL F Quit returns the user to the Data Input Site homepage.

35 1.Reference code from the Edit and Load Specifications. 2.Sum of each type of error or warning 3.Description of why the error or warning occurred 4.Sum of all errors or warnings 5.Information directing you to the record line where the error occurred 6.Additional information detailing the cause of the error or warning 7.The data that caused the error or the warning 4 4 1 5 2 7 1 1 3 2 6 3

36 Errors and Warnings Error Major problem with the data and system will not allow it onto the database Examples include using “OH” instead of “OT” for course type, or if the section ends date is earlier than the section starts date. Warnings There is a question about the validity of the data given certain parameters. There are currently no warnings in the DL file

37 Consult the Data Submissions Document to make sure using the correct codes Review the E&L Specifications using error or warning number to learn what each error and warning means Compare this file to last year’s submission Speak to your IT department or whoever prepared submission Contact HEI Analyst (we love to help!) All errors must be fixed before a data file is loaded Make any necessary changes, resubmit, rerun edits, review edits Suggestions for resolving errors

38 Once data accuracy is verified, request load


40 Electronic Signature

41 Informational Prompt

42 The file appears in HEI Load Queue for approval by an Ohio Board of Regents staff member After staff reviews the file, the file is approved for load After a file is successfully loaded into the HEI database, the data reporter receives a load confirmation via e-mail Data files are guaranteed to be reviewed Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00, excepting state holidays After the file is loaded, your data are sent electronically to the OhioLearns! database and will then appear on the OhioLearns! website, typically the next day What Happens Next?

43 Any questions?

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