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Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?

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1 Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?
English ICT Stories with cultural settings Exploring cultural differences and writing techniques. Drama – Emphathise with characters and show perspective. Unit: BECOME A GAME DESIGNER E-Safety, Programming, Multimedia and Handling Data Mathematics Science Angles – Right, Acute, Obtuse, Reflex Angles of a triangle: equilateral, isosceles and scalene. Capacity: Comparing weights and measures. Money problems and investigations. Written methods: division States of Matter How well would we cope without water? Water cycle etc. Music R.E Year 4 Summer Term Animal magic – exploring descriptive sounds What is Pilgrammage? What is Judaism? PHSE Art Ribbon Stories and reflection. Getting on and Falling out. Linked to French – study work by Henry Matisse. Also study artist Bridget Riley. Improve mastery of art and design techniques. Bayeaux Tapestry – capturing life. Humanities P.E Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? LC1: Why did the Normans build so many castles? LC2: Who was William the Conqueror and why is 1066 a famous date in British History? LC3: How do we know what happened in 1066 and how could we produce a similar `collage’ to explain what happened in Britain this year? LC4: What do you know about the Motte and Bailey castle and can you design one? LC5: Using clay can you create a piece of art that captures a Norman castle? LC6: What is the Domesday Book and do we have something similar today? LC7: What changed in Britain as a result of the Norman conquest? LC8: Reflection: In small groups, using clay models, can they create a battle of a siege of a castle and film it. GLK Sports Athletics Learning Challenge: Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?

2 SPELLINGS and Homework
Sessions will be taught on a Monday (by GLK) and Thursday by class teacher. Please ensure your child has a complete change of clothes in school at the beginning of each week (school PE T-shirt in house colour, navy shorts, change of socks) they should also bring warm clothing (dark coloured tracksuits/sweatshirts/jogging bottoms) for outdoor Games sessions. Please ensure you always have your kit! SPELLINGS and Homework Will continue to be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Remember to use Look, Cover, Write, Check and put spellings into sentences. LITERACY Through literacy this term we will also explore Apartheid and Nelson Mandela, producing some fact files. Silver Birch Class Maths Still keep going with times tables. It helps with day to day calculations as well as assessments and mental tests. Please encourage your child to use money and pay for items and anticipate the change. Where is this year going? Already the Summer Term although it still feels very cold for the time of year. This term our prime learning challenge is “Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy” With this in mind we will be researching William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson and how this has changed modern Britain as we know it. Linked to Art we will be focussing on French painter Henry Matisse and Bridget Riley. We will finish the term with clay Motte and Bailey castles and a WOW (but more on that later). READING Please support your child’s reading at home by helping them select books that they enjoy and giving them a quiet time to read independently every day. Hearing them read aloud at home is still important, as is talking to them about their thoughts, ideas and predictions for the books they read. We are happy for them to bring their own good quality novels into school to read, as well as selecting books from the selection at school. Your child will be given a reading log, please use this to note when they have been heard.

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