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Madison, Monroe , and Quincy Adams

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1 Madison, Monroe , and Quincy Adams
Mr. Homburg APUSH

2 James Madison 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican War of 1812
After the Hartford Convention the Federalist Party ended. 1816: Madison re-authorized the national bank, created a protective tariff, and supported federal subsidies for internal improvements (The American System).

3 James Monroe 1817-1825 Last founding father president
Democratic-Republican The “Era of Good Feelings” Bought Florida from Spain Missouri Compromise Monroe Doctrine: Americas should be free from European colonization Helped found Liberia, Africa

4 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 National Republican Party
A great (if not the greatest) Secretary of State Not a great president: didn’t like being president and “playing politics” 1824 election and the “Corrupt Bargain” Continued the “American System”

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