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The English Renaissance

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1 The English Renaissance
Holt McDougal Common Core

2 The Monarchy and the Church-
As kings and queens rose to power and as varying forms of Christianity became the law of the land, writers found themselves either ______________ for their work or _________________ for it. Some writers, including ____________ __________________ ____________ and __________ ________________ _____________, were even put to death for falling out of favor with the ruler of the day. The Tudors- in 1485, ______________ ____________(VII) took the throne. Henry negotiated favorable commercial _____________ abroad and built up the nation’s _______________ fleet. He also arranged for his son _____________ to marry the Spanish princess __________________ of _______________, creating a ______________ alliance with Spain. When young Arthur died unexpectedly, the pope allowed Arthur’s younger brother Henry (VIII), the new heir to the throne, to marry ________________- a marriage that would have lasting ____________________. celebrated censured Sir Thomas More Sir Walter Raleigh Henry Tudor treaties merchant Arthur Catherine Aragon political Catherine consequences

3 The Tudor Dynasty Primogeniture- the exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son. Who is excluded? Monarch- a person who heads a monarchy- a form of govt. where a country is ruled by an individual who typically rules for life and inherits the throne by birth. Catherine of Aragon Young Henry VIII

4 The Protestant Reformation-
During the reign of ______________ _______, dissatisfaction with the Roman Catholic Church was spreading in ____________. The great wealth and power of the church had led to ______________ at many levels, from _____________ living in luxury to ____________ travelling the countryside selling “______________.” A German monk named __________________ ________________ wrote out ________ arguments against such practices and _____________ them to the ____________ of the church. Though the pope condemned him as a _______________, Luther’s ______________ created a sensation. Luther wanted the church to reform itself, but other protesters went farther, ______________ off from Rome into reformed, _______________ churches. Henry VIII Europe corruption Cardinals friars indulgences Martin Luther 95 nailed door heretic criticisms splitting protestant

5 The Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther

6 The Church of England- Henry VIII had at first remained loyal to____________, yet he became obsessed with producing a ____________ _________ and so sought an ________________ from his wife (who had given him only a daughter, Mary). When the pope refused, Henry broke with _____________ and in _________ declared himself head of the _____________ of _____________. He then divorced______________ and married her court attendant, __________ ______________. In all, Henry went through ________ wives, but only one produced a son- the frail and sickly ____________ ____, who succeeded at the age of 9 but died when he was just ______. During Edward’s reign, a group of radical Protestants believed the church needed even more reform. This group became known as ______________ would increasingly ___________ with the monarchy. Following Edward, Catherine’s daughter ___________ took the throne. To avenge her mother, she brought back ________________ ________________ and persecuted ______________, which earned her the nickname ___________ __________. On her death in 1558, most citizens welcomed the succession of her half-sister, _______________. Rome male heir annulment Church England Catherine Anne Boleyn six Edward VI 15 Puritans clash Mary Roman Catholicism protestants Bloody Mary Elizabeth

7 Should religion be tied to Politics?
The Renaissance period in England was marked by religious conflict. Henry VIII and each successive monarch held a different view on the country’s official religion. Leaders were assassinated, writers were imprisoned, and the country even endured a civil war over questions of religion. What is the proper role of religion in public life? How can societies reconcile religion and politics?

8 The Elizabethan Era- Elizabeth I, the unwanted daughter of _____________ ____and ____________ ______________, proved to be one of the ablest monarchs in English history. During her long reign, England enjoyed a time of unprecedented _______________ and international ____________. Elizabeth was a consummate _____________, exercising absolute ____________ while remaining sensitive to ___________ _______________ and respectful of ______________. She kept England out of costly wars and encouraged overseas adventures, including Sir Walther Raleigh’s attempt to establish a colony in Virginia. Elizabeth I reestablished the ___________ of ______________, using it as a buffer between Catholics and Puritans. The Renaissance- literally means “____________” or “_____________” was a time marked by a surge of _____________ energy and the emergence of a worldview more modern than _______________. It began in __________ and rapidly spread throughout Europe. Henry VIII Anne Boleyn prosperity prestige politician authority public opinion Parliament Church England rebirth revival creative Medieval Italy

9 Queen Elizabeth I “Gloriana” Henry VIII Anne Boleyn “The Virgin Queen”

10 The Renaissance Worldview-
All through the Middle Ages, Europeans had focused their energy on _______________ and the ______________. During the time of the Renaissance, people became much more interested in ____________ on _____________. The ideal “Renaissance man” was not a knight or a monk, but a well-rounded person who cultivated his ______________ to the fullest. Creativity and Exploration-Renaissance Europeans delighted in the _________ and ___________, the beauty of nature, human impulses, exploration, and a new sense of mastery over the world. This was the time of _____________. _______________, and _______________! Inventions and _______________ made possible things that had been previously unimaginable. Gutenberg’s ____________ _____________ meant that books no longer had to be copied out by hand; by 1530 more than half of England’s population could _______________. The Renaissance flourished in Elizabethan times, when _____________ and literature reached new heights. James I contributed to the period’s literacy and legacy with his commissioning a new ____________ of the _________. Religion after life life earth talents arts literature Shakespeare Galileo Columbus discoveries printing press read theater translation bible

11 Renaissance “Revival” “Rebirth”

12 Pastoral Poems and Sonnets-
Poets and ____________, readers and _____________, all delighted in the vigor and ____________ of the _________________ language. The glittering ______________ court was a focus of poetic creativity. Among the Queen’s protégés were Sir Philip Sidney and ______ ____________ __________. Raleigh encouraged ___________ __________, who wrote the epic _________ ___________ ____________(1590) in honor of ________________. Raleigh and his contemporary _________________ _________________ wrote excellent examples of a type of poetry popular with Elizabeth’s court: the ___________. These poems portray shepherds and ___________ life, usually in an _______________ manner. Improving Nature- Nature provided raw material to be shaped into works of art. Elizabethan poets created ingenious metaphors, _____________ _____________, and complex ____________, often with the strictures of a popular _________ form that came from Italy, the ____________. During the Elizabethan times, the sonnet became the most popular form of a _____________ ___________. The English sonnet eventually became known as the __________________ _____________, in tribute to Shakespeare’s mastery of the form. playwrights listeners beauty English Elizabethan Sir Walter Raleigh Edmund Spenser The Faerie Queen Elizabeth Christopher Marlowe pastoral rustic idealized elaborate allegories analogies verse sonnet Love lyric Shakespearean Sonnet

13 Why is love so COMPLICATED?
Poets of the day put their pens to many different aspects of love: unrequited love, constant love, timeless love, fickle love. What is so fascinating about love? Why does it seem so complicated?

14 The Rise of Humanism- During the Renaissance, literature reflected another important influence: ________________. The universities of Europe buzzed with new ideas-about the worth and importance of the ______________, about the spiritual value of ___________ in nature and ___________, about the power of human reason to decide what was ______________ and _____________. Those who taught these new ideas were called_______________. English Humanists- Sir Thomas More saw much to criticize in the way the world was being run; in 1516 he published _____________. This book was about a perfect society on an imaginary island. In Utopia, there was no ____________ or ______________- not even private property everything was _____________, and everyone was ______________. humanism individual beauty art good right Humanists Utopia poverty greed shared equal

15 Utopia Thomas More What is the IDEAL SOCIETY?
During the Renaissance, people began to question their society, examining its failings and asking themselves how could it be improved. What do you think a perfect society might look like? Utopia

16 Spiritual and Devotional Writings-
Despite the religious turmoil that marked this period in English history, England remained a ____________ nation…In fact, the ____________ ______________ __________likely did more to mold English ___________ style than any other works. Two Masterpieces- One of the earliest writers to be influenced by the King James Bible was the ____________ poet ___________ ______________. His epic _________-_____________ poem _____________ ____________ is based on the biblical story of the first humans, ____________ and ____________, who are tempted by ___________ to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of _____________. Christian King James Bible prose Puritan John Milton blank verse Paradise Lost Adam Eve Satan Knowledge

17 The Metaphysical and Cavalier Poets-
In the early 17th century, two new groups of poets emerged. The first was inspired by the literary man-of-all-trades _________ ___________ (friend and rival to Shakespeare). Dissatisfied with the romance of ________________ lyrics, Jonson imitated the classical forms. Jonson’s followers, called “__________ of ___________,” were sophisticated young aristocrats, among them ___________________, Richard Lovelace and Sir John Suckling. These poets were known as the ____________, because many of them took the side of ___________I in the civil war. Cavalier poetry dealt with themes of love, war, chivalry… and advocated the philosophy of __________ ___________, or living in the moment. Ben Johnson Elizabethan Sons Ben Robert Herrick Cavaliers Charles Carpe diem


19 John Donne Metaphysical poets unusual metaphors irregular physical love religious intellect passion Jonson’s contemporary, ______________ __________, is representative of a second group of poets, the__________________ ______________. These writers broke with convention, employing __________ imagery, elaborate ____________, and ____________ meter…including themes of death, _____________ ______________, and ____________ devotion. Donne’s unique blend of _____________ and ______________ influenced many other poets, from his own time to the 21st century.

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