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Anatomy & Physiology II

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1 Anatomy & Physiology II
Unit Five

2 The Respiratory System
Nasal cavity The Respiratory System Pharynx Epiglottis Oral cavity Glottis Larynx Trachea Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary bronchus

3 Respiratory bronchiole
The Respiratory System Bronchiole Pulmonary arteriole Pulmonary venule Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Capillary beds Alveoli

4 Inspiration & Expiration
Respiration is divided into three phases: + ventilation + external respiration + internal respiration

5 Inspiration & Expiration
Ventilation occurs due to differences in pressure Humans mechanically produce an internal pressure that is less than the atmospheric pressure This is called negative pressure breathing

6 Inspiration & Expiration
Intrapulmonary pressure - pressure found inside the lungs (alveoli) Intrapleural pressure - pressure found outside the lungs in the pleural cavity Transplumonary pressure - difference between the two

7 Inspiration & Expiration

8 Inspiration & Expiration

9 Inspiration & Expiration
Compliance - the ability of the lungs to stretch and distend Elasticity - lung characteristic produced by large amounts of elastin connective tissues Elastic resistance - the tenancy of elastic fibers to return to original position (elastic recoil)

10 Inspiration & Expiration

11 Muscles of Inspiration & Expiration
Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes External intercostals Pectoralis minor Internal intercostals Internal intercostals External abdominal obliques Rectus abdominis Diaphragm

12 Lung Volumes

13 Ventilation Terminology
Eupnea - normal, relaxed quiet ventilation Apnea - temporary cessation of ventilation Dyspnea - labored ventilation

14 Ventilation Terminology
Hyperventilation - ventilation faster than necessary for metabolic demands Hypoventilation - ventilation slower than necessary for metabolic demands

15 Ventilation Terminology
Anoxia - condition in which there is little or no oxygen Pneumothorax - presence of air in the pleural cavity Atelectasis - collapsed lung

16 Pulmonary Disorders COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
Asthma - obstructive disorder caused by inflammation, mucus secretions & constriction of air passageways

17 Pulmonary Disorders Emphysema - obstructive disorder caused by destruction of alveolar tissue Bronchitis - obstructive disorder caused by inflammation & the mucus it causes

18 Pulmonary Disorders Pneumonia - lower respiratory tract infection that causes the alveoli to fill with fluids Tuberculosis - caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis - stimulates the lungs to form nodules

19 Pulmonary Disorders Cystic fibrosis - a genetic disorder that clogs air passageways by the production of a thick, heavy mucus

20 Pulmonary Disorders Bronchiogenic carcinoma - lung cancer that arises from the bronchial tubes ~ squamous cell carcinoma ~ small cell carcinoma Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women

21 Pulmonary Disorders Pulmonary fibrosis - reduced compliance and elasticity due to the accumulation of fibrous connective tissues as a result of lung damage Black lung - form of pulmonary fibrosis due to inhalation of carbon dust

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