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Critical Thinking: Let’s Get Critical

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1 Critical Thinking: Let’s Get Critical
The unexamined life is not worth living- Socrates September 9th 1:00 to 3:00 Writing Center Critical Thinking: Let’s Get Critical

2 What is critical thinking?
Looking at all sides of an issue with an open mind Weighing the evidence Being aware of persuasive techniques Understanding diverse cultures and systems Ability to think outside the box

3 Rhetoric Rhetoric is the ability to argue well by appealing to the audience’s emotional, logical, and ethical sensibilities. People who use rhetoric will choose their words very carefully for the desired impact on the reader or audience. Consider the following terms….

4 Rhetorical Terminology
“Freedom fighter” vs. “Terrorist” “Department of Defense” vs. “Department of War” “Mentally retarded” vs. “Mentally challenged”

5 Political Rhetoric

6 Critical Thinking on Media
“Whoever has access to the media controls the production and distribution of images, the composing of arguments and the endorsement of conventional truths.” (Critical Teaching and the Idea of Literacy)

7 Propaganda

8 Advertisement



11 Media and Children

12 Divergent Thinking Working with open-ended problems

13 What dangers do we face if we do not think critically about the world around us?

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