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Starter: Write Questions and Answers

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1 Starter: Write Questions and Answers
From the mid-1600s to the mid-1800s, Japan controlled foreign influences on its society by using the policy of Mercantilism Nationalism Isolationism Feudalism The stories from Marco Polo’s travels encourages Europeans to Journey to Asia in search of wealth Abandon the feudal land system Launch the Crusades against Muslims Isolate themselves from foreigners Who was Zheng He and why was he important?

2 Vocabulary- Scientific Revolution
Geocentric- earth-centered; places the earth at the center of the universe and the sun, moon, and other planets revolving around it. Heliocentric- sun-centered; the earth and planets revolve around the sun. Universal law of gravitation- force of gravity. Rationalism- a system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge. Scientific method- a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence that was crucial to the evolution of science in the modern world. Inductive reasoning- a process that will lead to correct general principles.


4 an overthrow of an established government or political system by the people governed.
a radical change in society and the social structure. a sudden, complete or marked change in something.


6 Relied on Greek and Roman explanations
Renaissance thinkers started to question these theories Developed Scientific Method:

7 Calculus, astronomy, physics, & anatomy = major discoveries
Instruments - Barometer – measure air pressure - Microscope – investigate small objects - Telescope – see distant objects - Thermometer – temperature

8 Astronomer Heliocentric (sun – centered) model of the solar system Went against Aristotle’s & Ptolemy’s geocentric (earth – centered) theory Few believed his theory

9 Johannes Kepler Developed laws of planetary motion - Elliptical orbits

10 Galileo Galilei Italian astronomer Telescope 1610 published findings
Church calls findings heresy - forced to recant his findings Gravity and speed of fallen objects - all objects fall at same speed

11 Isaac Newton Laws of universal gravitation
- Universe viewed as a large machine, operating according to certain rules

12 Anatomy Andreas Vesalius, 1543
- Published several volumes filled with descriptions and illustrations of body systems William Harvey, 1628 - Circulatory system and importance of the heart

13 Biology & Chemistry Antoni Leeuwenhook
- discovered bacteria using a microscope Study of Chemistry - composition of matter & how it changes - elements being identified

14 Descartes All assumptions should be questioned
“I think therefore I am” Discourse of Method, 1637 - Only certain things are true w/o facts to prove them Use of reason --- rationalism

15 Francis Bacon Lots of Experimentation Inductive thinking
- Specific observation to general assumptions - Ex: Ice is cold, All ice is cold

16 Galileo Worksheet

17 Mankind: Scientific Revolution
Why did so many ships wreck in this period? List at least three things that were discovered/finally understood in this period. Jim Meigs said, “So often we think about the progress of science, we think about that ‘aha’ moment, that flash of insight. We don’t recognize so much of science is dogged hard work.” What does he mean by “dogged hard work?”

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