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Participant Feedback & Psychological Focus

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1 Participant Feedback & Psychological Focus
GAA Award 1 Course

2 GAA Award 1 – Participant Feedback & Rules Outcomes
By the end of this Module participants will be able to: define Performance Analysis & Participant Feedback identify a number of methods of analysing perfomances in Gaelic Games employ a number of strategies for analysing performances in Gaelic Games define Psychological Focus for Gaelic Games recall the “SMART” principals for Goal Setting devise a pre-game play for the days before, night before, and morning of a game with a view to maximising performance describe the 5C’s of sychological focus Presentation title in footer

3 The OTú Model – Playing Facts
What do we mean by Playing Facts? Feedback on performance Evidence Key Events The ability identify strengths and areas where improvement is required and to understand/accept why changes may be required if the team is to achieve its full potential. Tutor Notes: Tutor to ask what we mean by Playing Facts? Use Definition – ‘The ability identify strengths and areas where improvement is required and to understand/accept why changes may be required if the team is to achieve its full potential..’ The Playing Facts can be used to inform coaching prior to, during and after performance. Outline that we will get into Playing Facts more in Playing Facts Section of the Course Tutor Further Information: The analysis of our games is being used to create a bank of information that we can use to develop the games – you need to know the game to set out a coaching programme for it! Research by Damien Young, Hugh Gilmore, Niall Moyna has all helped in the improvement in our Games Skill Development

4 Why do we need the Playing Facts?
Increases Motivation Protects Players from the World of Opinion Helps Players set realistic goals Helps Players stay in reality Depersonalises Issues Gives Players the right type of attention Playing Facts Playing Facts – Tutor to ask why we need Playing Facts. Can be a Tutor Led Discussion or a Group Flip Chart Task. Tutor Further Information: The analysis of our games is being used to create a bank of information that we can use to develop the games – you need to know the game to set out a coaching programme for it! Research by Damien Young, Hugh Gilmore, Niall Moyna has all helped in the improvement in our Games Other reasons?

5 What do we look for in Playing Facts?
Skill Performance – which skills are performed Personal Fouls Technical Fouls Frees conceded Frees won Breaking Ball – Won/Lost Scores – from play Scores – from frees Shots Short or to Keeper Tutor Note: When were looking at Playing Facts, what do we analyse? Tutor Led Discussion or Flip Chart Sheets in Groups. Can the group think of others? Tutor to 5

6 Performance Analysis…
How/Methods of Performance Analysis… 1. Coach Review 2. Hand Notation System 3. Video Analysis 4. Computerised Notation System Tutor Note: How do we conduct the analysis? What each of these are is on the next slide. 5. Coach and Team review / meeting

7 Methods of Performance
Analysis? “Coach Review” (Coach Gives direct feedback to players during training or Match days) “Hand Notation” (Making notes using pre-designed sheets while a match is occurring.) “Video Analysis” (Making notes from a match video using pre-designed sheets and feedback with the aid of the video.) Computerised Analysis (Using a software package to note/tag significant events during or post match and feeding back using video clips) Tutor Note: How do we conduct the analysis? Explanation of each Team Meeting (Open discussion involving all players in a structured format)

8 ? List Two Advantages & Two Disadvantages of each of these methods of Performance Analysis? Tutor Note: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of analysis. Tutor Led Discussion or Group Work with Flip Chart Question ?

1 Immediate/Direct Bias/One persons view/Emotional 2 Practical/Factual – easy to use/Record/ specific areas Can have a narrow focus/Time constraints/Miss key play/ 3 Accurate/Visual/Playback/ See patterns of play Time consuming Cost/Miss off the ball movements/ 4 Accurate – wide focus-Detailed/individual player Costly/Need for training/Equipment/ Computer Malfunction 5 Everyone can contribute/Openness/Clear the air/Goal setting Conflict/Lack of Honesty/If not chaired properly (tendency to ‘ramble') Row Tutor Note: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of analysis. Some potential answers. Tutor Led Discussion or Group Work with Flip Chart

10 Capturing the Playing Facts
Identify what you want to analyse Create a form for this (for example) Player Puck Hand Puck Ground Jab Lift Overhead Catch 1 2 3 4 Tutor Notes: Decising on the criteria to look at. Can be very simple like the above. Or more complex like the following slide Presentation title in footer

11 Capturing the Playing Facts
Identify what you want to analyse Create a form for this (for example) Player Gls Pts Wide Shorts Frees For Frees Against Dispossessed Ball won by opponent 1 2 3 4 Tutor Notes: Decising on the criteria to look at. Presentation title in footer

12 ? Question ? Playing Facts – When? 1. During a Match 2. Half Time
3. After a Game Tutor Notes: When to provide the feedback to the players? What do you say during each? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 4. Post Match Review ?

13 During a Game 1. Take notes 2. Analysis Performance
3. Make changes in positions, or substitute Tutor Notes: Proceedure during a game 4. Change Tactics

14 Half Time Try to help the team (not vent your anger)
1. What was good about the performance? Choose two or three areas where improvement is needed. Give confidence in their ability to do what you suggest. Tutor Notes: What to do at Half Time 4. The analysis of the first half should be based on factual information.

15 Immediately After the Game
1. Keep comments short and honest - not confrontational. 2. Be positive 3. Plan next practice to improve performance. 4. Try to eliminate error and emphasise the positive 5. Talk to mentors & selectors 6. Listen Tutor Notes: Immediately after the game 7. Arrange for meaningful team meeting after next training session, as appropriate.

16 Post Match Review 1. Planned meeting in advance at the appropriate time. OPEN DISCUSSION CHAIRED BY COACH Key Elements: Everyone encouraged to contribute in a forthright manner. Constructive criticism for the good of the team. Cover positive and negative. GIVE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (as appropriate) A. Statistics Sheet (Handout) B. View video footage. Tutor Notes: Post Match Review 4. SET GOALS

17 How does analysis of the Playing Facts work in practice
Coach Watches Game Play Game Performance Analysed Coaching Sessions/ Practice Games Coach Plans Coaching Sessions Tutor Notes: How the analysis of the Playing Facts works in practice. Note that the feedback is used during the game to make changes, substitutions. After the game it is used to inform coaching sessions and practice games, feeding back into the Game. Changes or Substitutions

18 Lets analyse a game? Use the template provided
Follow the Playing Facts process as outlined Feedback to the group: What would you feedback to the players? What changes would you make for the forthcoming coaching sessions? Tutor Notes: Divide the Coaches into Groups. Use the template that is provided, analyse the video clip. Feedback to the rest of the group. 18 Presentation title in footer 18

19 Kieran Shannon, Sunday Tribune, October 2007
"The value of stats here is that it reduces the extent to which a player is prejudiced by a coach. Stats might show that the player who is a 'bottler‘ is actually, say, the best tackler in the team, while the team's hero, who is afforded the privilege of the halo effect, is actually contributing very little beyond, say, scoring from frees.“ Kieran Shannon, Sunday Tribune, October 2007 Presentation title in footer

20 The OTú Model – Psychological Focus
What do we mean by Psychological Focus? The ability to maintain focus on the here and now, regardless of the internal and external distractions. It requires competence, confidence and cohesion.. Tutor Notes: Psychological Focus – Tutor to ask what we mean by Psychological Focus? Use Definition – ‘The ability to maintain focus on the here and now, regardless of the internal and external distractions. It requires competence, confidence and cohesion.’ Outline that we will get into Psychological Focus more in Psychological Focus Section of the Course Tutor Further Information: Psychology has become very popular within GAA coaching. It is the number one thing that Coaches want to see more of when they review the National Games Development Conference each year! Skill Development

21 What must we do to keep Players involved?
Question ? Motivation for Participation What must we do to keep Players involved? ? Tutor Notes: Tutor Led Discussion or Flip Chart Sheet activity. What must the coach do to make sure that players stay involved. ?

22 Participation Vs Drop Out
Drop out can take place because of factors that are internal to the game and factors that are external to the game. In dealing with internal factors there are two constant determining factors in relation to Participation and Drop Out from sport: Enjoyment Tutor Notes: Research has shown that the most important aspects of sport that keeps youth players involved is that the activity is enjoyable and challenging. Challenging

23 What can be done to ensure training remains enjoyable and challenging?
Question ? What can be done to ensure training remains enjoyable and challenging? ? Tutor Notes: Tutor Led Discussion or Flip Chart Sheet activity. What must the coach do to make sure that training stays enjoyable and challenging. ?

24 Variation is key Varying Exercise and Training Routines, Vary Training Sequence, Vary Location, Utilise Different Mentors/ Players for Coaching Inputs, etc. Maintains Motivation, Stimulates Interest and Ensures that the Player does not Go Stale, Become Bored or Adapt to One Routine in an overly negative manner Tutor Notes: Can be used to sum up the feedback from participants on enjoyment and challenging sessions Variation is a key component of ensuring that training is enjoyable and challenging. Results in players staying motivated etc

25 Challenging? Understand Individual Needs within the Team
Set appropriate Activities and Contexts to promote enjoyment and challenge Set SMARTER Goals Tutor Notes: Some suggestions for keeping activities challenging. The key here is setting the appropriate challenge, whether that be through goal setting.

26 Question ? ? Participation Vs Drop Out
Drop out can take place because of factors that are internal to the game and factors that are external to the game. What about external factors? Identify as many external factors as possible…. ? ? Tutor Notes: Within the Group, identify the different factors that might cause a player to drop out. Some ideas on the next slide.

27 Adult typical….key words highlighted by coaches….
Drink Overweight Health Married Work Finance Problems Drugs Children Administration in Club Coaching Volunteer TUTORS Notes: Not required if all of these things teased out by the group Explain why these words were highlighted Presentation title in footer

28 Youth typical….key words highlighted by coaches….
Drink Exams Dosing Drugs Girls Discos Jobs Physical Development Different Development Rates Emotional Development Biological v Chronological Age Different Sports Burnout TUTORS RESPONSE Not required if all of these things teased out by the group Explain why these words were highlighted Presentation title in footer

29 Goal setting? Focus on Goal Setting Types of Goals - Specific
- Outcome - Measurable - Agreed - Performance - Realistic Tutor Notes: Goals must be SMARTER Goals can be either: Outcome based – winning the next game Performance Based – playing well - Time Managed - Exciting - Recordable

30 Goals can be? Short Term Medium Term Long Term Tutor Notes:
Tutor Led Discussion. Short Term Goals are in the immediate future – the next game or training session Medium Term Goals are in the near future – the next month/2 months etc Long term goals are (essentially) goals for the year 30

31 What are the benefits of Goals? To the Player To the Coach
Tutor Notes: Tutor Led Discussion or Group Work using Flip Charts. What are the benefits of goals for the player and for the coach.

32 Set a series of Goals for the Squad/Players you are currently with
Group 1 – Short Term Goals Group 2 – Medium Term Goals Group 3 – Long Term Goals Tutor Notes: Within Groups, coaches to set a series of goals that would be appropriate to the players that they work with. Groups work on short term (next session/game), medium term (next month) or long term goals (longer than a month) Ensure that the goals are SMARTER

33 The coaches job is to ensure that players… 5C’s
are Confident Concentrate are Competent are Committed have Control Tutor Notes: Tutor Led Discussion or Flip Chart Sheet activity. It is the coaches role to ensure that players are Confident, Competent, Committed, able to Concentrate, have Control. What do the participants understand by these terms?

34 Thank you

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