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Graph =writing.

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1 graph =writing

2 autobiography writing about a person’s life written by that person
noun writing about a person’s life written by that person

3 I wonder how difficult it would be to write your own autobiography.
Would you include all your secrets in your autobiography?

4 In my autobiography, I will share _________________.
In my autobiography, I will share the triumphs and setbacks of my life.

5 autograph au-to-graph noun the writing of one’s own name

6 The student was excited to get the famous basketball player’s autograph.
The movie star was happy to give her autograph to fans.

7 It might be _________ to obtain the autograph of ____________ because ___________.
It might be thrilling to obtain the autograph of a president because he has held the highest office in the United States.

8 bibliography bib-li-og-ra-phy noun the written list of all the books used in a report or book

9 When you prepare a report, it is important to include a bibliography.
The bibliography gave a list of other books on the same topic to reference for more information.

10 When writing a report, a bibliography is ________________.
When writing a report a bibliography is essential for giving credit to your sources.

11 biography bi-og-ra-phy noun a book written about a person’s life

12 Students often do biography book reports in their elementary years.
My favorite biography was written about the Olympic runner, Eric Liddell.

13 The biography of _____________ taught me _________.
The biography of President Theodore Roosevelt taught me the many jobs TR held before he was president.

14 cartography mapmaking; the writing involved in making maps of charts
noun mapmaking; the writing involved in making maps of charts

15 Many people do not think cartography is that important as long as they can use their GPS.
However, they might not realize that Global Positioning Systems do not work everywhere.

16 The study of cartography may be useful when _________________.
The study of cartography may be useful when learning the geography of a country.

17 homograph hom-o-graph noun
word written the same way as another word but having a different meaning (ex: bow-hair and bow-ship)

18 The homograph confused the young reader as he did not know what the text meant.
Knowing homographs can help you understand what you are reading about.

19 The homographs ______ and ______ look alike but mean _________ and _______.
The homographs bow and bow look alike but a bow goes in your hair and to bow is when you bend over respectfully.

20 paragraph par-a-graph noun
a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence

21 Paragraph writing is an important skill for us to learn.
Please read the paragraph and answer the questions that go with it.

22 I wrote a paragraph about ____________ for ___________.
I wrote a paragraph about the causes and effects of mission life on Native Americans for my report.

23 phonograph pho-no-graph noun
record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound

24 The elderly lady played her phonograph every day to remind herself of days long ago.
The phonograph led the way for the record player, cassette player, cd player, and ipod.

25 The ______ phonograph played ________ when _________.
The rusty phonograph played ancient tunes when my grandmother unearthed it from the garage.

26 photography the use of light to record an image using a camera
noun the use of light to record an image using a camera

27 She took a photography class so she could learn how to take better pictures.
Photography helps us capture memories and events for the future.

28 The use of photography in my life has been _________ because ___________.
The use of photography in my life has been memorable because I like to take photos of every special event.

29 seismograph seis-mo-graph noun a device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth

30 The scientists used the seismograph to measure the earthquake’s tremor.
The seismograph provided them with data to make stronger predictions for the future.

31 The seismograph allowed __________ to ___________.
The seismograph allowed the seismologists to record the occurrences of the earthquakes and to measure their waves.

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