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We are based in Durban and work nationally SERVICES PROVIDED FOR engineers Use your arrow keys to view this 12 page presentation

Detailed surveys to aid design Contract: Tesco, Pitsea

3 ELEVATION SURVEYS We survey building elevations
We can survey elevations in 3D, giving you true depth and perspective. The same goes for all detail surveys, we capture our linework in 3D. Contract: Tesco, Sudbury

4 Industrial roof surveys
Roof plant layouts Contract: Tesco, Sudbury

5 Structural building surveys
Non-destructive detailed building surveys Contract: Sky Chefs, Durban

6 Platform earthworks, quantity balancing
By combining our survey with your design we can minimise cut/fill cost Contract: Crawford School, LaMercy

7 Google Earth We can place our work into GE for you.

8 Remote measuring All our machines have laser distance functionality
This function allows for safe remote measuring at height or into adjacent properties where access is denied. We can measure window sizes, roof beams, undersides of structures, bridges etc.

9 The “not so normal” designs
We use CAD enabled equipment to quickly and efficiently set out very complex objects We have been called on to set-out over 20 houses in Phezulu, no straight lines. Other examples are complicated pools, ponds, curved stone features, spiral hand rails, all manner of vertical or horizontal curves, tiling and paving patterns, landscape tree placement... Basically anything that needs to be recorded in place to CAD or from CAD to placement.

10 GLASS Glass will neither stretch nor compress to suit accumulated errors. Thus our careful surveying techniques are required to ensure the overall effect is achieved. Contract: AstraZeneca, Manchester

11 EXPERIENCE Our service to the Consultant Engineering industry has always been with an open mind, often we are on the forefront of developing new methodology. We are able to assist in so many ways with both the usual and the unusual.

12 To Conclude
We are a dynamic multifaceted survey company We have experience in many sectors We are your measuring specialist Call us, we are at the forefront of modern surveying and are here to assist you.

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