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Presentation on theme: "Inference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inference

2 Inferential Thinking When a reader combines clues from the text with their own background knowledge or from other parts of the text in order to draw conclusions

3 What We Know About Inferences
We need to find clues to get some answers We need to add those clues to what we already know or have read There can be more than one correct answer We need to be able to support inferences with evidence (usually textual evidence)

4 Types of Inferences Figure out the meaning of unknown words from context clues Figure out the meaning of characters’ words Identify characters’ beliefs, personalities, and motivations Understand characters’ relationships to one another Provide details about the setting Provide explanations for events or ideas that are presented in the text

5 Types of Inferences Offer details for events or their own explanations of the events presented in the text Understand the author’s view of the world Recognize author’s biases Relate what is happening in the text to your own knowledge of the world Offer conclusions from facts presented in the text

6 Different Strategies For Inferring
Marking Texts with Sticky Notes Sticky notes help focus your reading on specific goals Sticky notes are one way to help students keep track of your thinking while reading Sticky notes allow you to jot down questions or thoughts during reading You can refer to sticky notes during class discussions, writing assignments, or conferences

7 Different Strategies for Inferring
Graphic Organizer 3 Column Chart Quote from the text Page number My thoughts based on the text and my background knowledge

8 Different Strategies for Inferring
KIS Strategy (Key Words, Infer, Support) This mnemonic strategy helps students remember the three steps in making and supporting inferences Underline key words and facts from the text Make inferences using the key words or facts to answer specific questions List background knowledge or textual evidence used to support answers

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