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Subject Specialist Mentor Training

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1 Subject Specialist Mentor Training

2 For mentors to be able to:
Discuss the need for and origins of subject specialist mentoring State the difference between mentoring and coaching Understand own role and responsibilities in relation to subject specialist mentoring State key techniques to establish and maintain an effective mentoring relationship

3 Initial Mentor Training
A requirement for mentors Satisfactory completion recorded on the mentor database Regarded as a minimum Mentors expected to undertake further professional development as part of their individual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and will be encouraged to complete mentor qualifications Contracting Rights and responsibilities (Trev) Tacit knowledge – managing expectations – ‘this is your half an hour’ ‘if you really need me’ What do you expect from me. This is what I expect from you Models shared with mentee – inc. Clutterbuck. Time – 1 hour per week. Variable – dep. On trainee needs. – linked to model of challenge and support.

4 What is mentoring? One of the biggest problems in trying to understand the mentoring phenomenon is pinning down exactly what is meant by the terms mentor and mentoring. What do you think the terms mean? Can you come up with a definition of mentoring?

5 What is a mentor? ANSWERS
Counsellor Friend Adviser Guide Ally Role model Sounding board What is mentoring? ANSWERS Counselling Advising Helping Training Listening Sponsoring Focusing Encouraging Steering Problem-solving

6 What are the benefits of mentoring:
For the mentor? For the trainee? For the organisation? Group activity Mentors look at the questions above (Page 7 of the booklet) and answer questions Groups then feed back 20mins

7 What are the benefits of mentoring?
Mentors to consider the following questions. 1 What are the benefits of mentoring for the mentor? ANSWERS Satisfaction in helping others achieve their goals Development of their own personal skills & highlighting of own potential Recognition of those skills by others – including the one they are mentoring A challenge – both personal & professional 2 What are the benefits of mentoring for the trainee? ANSWERS Increased confidence Induction into an organisation’s processes & procedures can be faster & more easily accomplished Having a role model Identification of realistic and challenging targets 3 What are the benefits of mentoring for the organisation? ANSWERS More effective staff Demonstration of commitment to development of employees Better motivation & communication Useful support to existing training & development programmes Can progress cultural change within an organisation

8 Mentoring and coaching – the differences
Often, these terms used interchangeably, but subtle differences. However, mentoring and coaching are complementary rather than mutually exclusive – a good coach probably mentors and a good mentor probably coaches. What do you think the main differences are? Mentors to fill in the mentoring and coaching – the differences on page 5 Discuss findings and then give out answers (HANDOUT 1) 10 mins

9 Mentoring versus other forms of helping people to learn
Summary (show and tell) See handout : Styles of coaching

10 Mentoring involves four basic styles of helping

11 Challenge Vs Support - Accessed

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