Health Pt 4 contd. Dr. Solis.

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1 Health Pt 4 contd. Dr. Solis

2 Yikes! What’s a serving?? When you have a bowl of cereal in the morning, do you read the label regarding the suggested serving size? Example of 1 serving for carbohydrates 1 slice of bread or 1 small muffin or role (the ‘normal’ muffin you buy is actually 2 servings) ½-3/4 cup of hot cereal, or 1 oz. of ready to eat cereal ½ cup of cooked pasta or rice

3 What should I eat instead??
Fruits: any fruit such as: bananas, oranges, apple slices, apricots, grapes, fruit juices, no added sugar Vegetables: any raw vegetables such as: carrot and celery sticks, sliced tomatoes, cooked artichokes

4 Breads and cereal: slice of whole wheat bread or rolls, tortillas, cup of oatmeal, whole wheat crackers, popcorn Dairy: nonfat yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese cubes Nuts and meat: peanut butter in moderation, almonds, sunflower seeds, tuna fish (water packed), slice of lean ham or turkey Combinations: Any combinations including healthy foods ma be eaten as a snack

5 A word about heart disease…
Every 1 minute 3 Americans have a heart attack 1.5 million people die from a heart attack each year – that is 10 times the number of people who died in the Vietnam War If six (6) 747 airplanes crashed in one day the media would say that “2200 people died” – yet that is the number of people that die each day from a heart attack

6 A word about heart disease…
Your chance of contracting AIDs – if you are heterosexual and a non-IV drug user are: 1 in 1,000,000 Your chance of being murdered are: 1 in 10,000 Your chance of dying from a heart attack is: 1 in 2

7 What can you do? Monitoring your health: Keep a food journal
Look at labels! Do not be swayed by products that say “lite” or “light” Look at fats and cholesterols Read ingredients for types of oils Research the dietary requirements for your age and height It’s not about dieting, it’s about a healthy lifestyle!

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