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 Use Sparingly  Try to choose fewer foods high in sugar.

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4  Use Sparingly  Try to choose fewer foods high in sugar

5  Small amount to almost none.  Eat once in a while

6  Choose skim milk and nonfat yogurt.  1 ½ to 2 ounces of cheese per day  Choose part skim of low fat cheese.  8 ounces of yogurt per day.

7  1 cup of milk or yogurt per day  1 ½ cup of natural cheese  2 ounces of process cheese

8  Always choose lean meat.  Limit proportions of nuts and seeds (high in fat)  Poultry without skin

9  2-3 ounces of lean meat, poultry, or fish  ½ cooked dry beans  1 egg or 2 tbsp. of peanut butter

10  Different vegetables provide different nutrients.  Dark, leafy vegetables  Easy on fats you add to vegetables

11  1 cup of raw, leafy vegetables  ½ cup of chopped, cooked, or raw  ¾ cups vegetable juice

12  Always choose whole fruits  Fresh fruits  Only count 100% fruit juices as fruit.

13  1 medium apple, banana, or orange  ½ cup chopped, cooked, canned fruit  ¾ cups fruit juice

14  Always choose whole grains.  Choose food with little or no sugar  Brown rice instead of white rice

15  1 slice of bread  1 ounce ready to go cereal  ½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta

16  Helps maintain a healthy body weight.  Helps keep the body healthy  Helps prevent illnesses  Helps defend depression  Boosts energy levels  Sharpens memory and stabilizes mood

17  Fast food  A lot of sweets and sugar  Soft drinks  Obesity concerns  Depression, suicide  More likely to get sick

18  Grains= orange  Vegetables= green  Fruits= Red  Oils= yellow  Milk= blue  Meats and beans= purple

19  Helps reduce obesity rates  Shows proportion sizes of food groups  Helps people with dieting  Helps people eat properly

20  The food pyramid was published in Sweden (1974)  Was updated in 2005  Replaced in 2011  25 other countries published the Food Pyramid.  Most widely known food pyramid in the U.S  Divided into 6 sections

21  The food pyramid is the key to a nutritious diet! THE END!!!

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