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Opener: 10/10 – Map Analysis

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1 Opener: 10/10 – Map Analysis
TB PAGE 404 COPY and answer the following: What 2 European countries colonized many parts of Africa? What 2 countries remained independent? What country was colonized by Belgium?


3 Allowed them to colonize new areas in great numbers!
Why did the Bantu migrate? Increased population Famine & Drought Moved SOUTH and EAST in search of new farmland Effects of Migration: Cultural Diffusion - *Language* Knowledge of agriculture Iron production Allowed them to colonize new areas in great numbers!

4 Arab Influence in Africa
Trade routes between the Middle East & Africa Arabs (Muslims) from the Middle East spread Islam to Northern and Eastern Africa Slave trade between Eastern Africa, Middle East & South Asia Cultural Diffusion: Language Swahili: Mix of Arabic and Bantu languages Religion Customs & Traditions

5 CAUSES: The Triangular Slave Trade
Trade developed between Europe, Western Africa and the New World (Americas) Europeans traded manufactured goods (guns) for slaves Africans were taken to the new world to work on plantations Raw materials/natural resources from the Americas were taken back to Europe

6 EFFECTS of the Slave Trade on Africa
Slave trade devastated Africa: Gender ratios distorted; less men then women Broken families Lost potential of young people “Door of No Return” – Goree Island off the coast of Senegal

7 Markets for Finished Goods Places to Dump Unwanted/ Excess Pop.
European Nationalism Source for Raw Materials Industrial Revolution Missionary Activity European Motives For Colonization Markets for Finished Goods Military & Naval Bases Places to Dump Unwanted/ Excess Pop. European Racism $$$

By the 19th century, Europe was interested in Africa’s raw materials Berlin Conference: In 1884, 14 European nations met to decide how Africa would be divided – African rulers were NOT invited Decided any European country could claim land just by telling the others By 1914: Europeans controlled 90% of the continent!!

Europeans drew new boundaries, resulting in… Several ethnic groups shoved into single countries – some were enemies and divided others who were not Africans have no control over their own countries Starvation & diseases become widespread Africans forced into labor Christianity spreads through Africa “When the European Colonialists came, they had the Bible, we had the land. They said, “Let’s close our eyes & pray.” When we opened our eyes, we had the Bible, and they had the land.” - Randall Robinson

10 CAUSES: Independence Movements
WWII inspired many Africans to seek freedom for their own countries. African colonies played a major role during the war. African soldiers fought and died to help free Europe from Nazi conquest. Afterwards, Africans pushed to have freedom and independence for themselves.

11 EFFECTS of Independence
Economies devastated throughout the continent Europeans did NOT prepare them independence. Some really good new African leaders but… Many countries have had constant dictatorships


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