Using OzART to Test Websites in Higher Education: A George Mason U

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Presentation on theme: "Using OzART to Test Websites in Higher Education: A George Mason U"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using OzART to Test Websites in Higher Education: A George Mason U
Using OzART to Test Websites in Higher Education: A George Mason U. Case Study Gian Wild, CEO and Founder of AccessibilityOz Kristine Neuber, IT Accessibility Coordinator George Mason University Accessing Higher Ground Conference November 17, 2017

2 Introduction & Overview
About Kristine Neuber About Gian Wild About OzART Who uses OzART?

3 Web Site and Application Requests @ Mason
Individual Requests Architecture Standards Review Board (ASRB) Systematic Review of P1 & P2 Sites Web Team

4 Individual Web Accessibility Review Request

5 Systematic Review and Monitoring
Priority 1: Academics, Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Health, Housing, Visitors, HR (approx. 70 sites) Priority 2 : Individual College and School websites (approx. 65 sites)

6 Standard Review Process @ Mason
Mason Accessibility Standards Section 508 & WCAG AA Standard Review Process Run through OZART Manual Review Colour Contrast Analyzer Wave

7 Accessibility Review Reporting @Mason
An Accessibility Evaluation Report is provided listing specific accessibility issues, examples and recommendations Challenges Time consuming Lack of knowledge of some complex web applications Impossible to compose a report for all Priority 1 & 2 web sites Overwhelming for departments to absorb and fix all of the issues

8 Advantages of OzART: Management
Scheduling for systematic review Report is divided into feature categories Identifies high, medium & low priority items Breaks down reporting into manageable chunks

9 Advantages of OzART: Quick Statistics

10 Advantages of OzART: Easy Report Writing
Provides examples and URL’s for easy reporting

11 Advantages of OzART: Easy Report Writing
Provides instructions for easy reporting Level: A The text labels for fields must be coded appropriately so they are properly associated with their relevant field. This is achieved using LABEL FOR and ID. This report lists all the fields that do not have an associated field label. For incorrect and correct code see FRM_A17i through to A18iii in our Forms Factsheet.

12 Systematic Review & Remediation
Breakdown high priority and manageable areas for Mason Images Forms Tables Headings Download Alternatives Page Titles

13 Systematic Review of Images
Challenges There are a lot of images on a web site – easy to miss some. Developers do not necessarily know how to label them Advantages of OzART Summary of images Location on the site Current label if any Notes area

14 Next Steps Tracking contacts/webmasters/developers for web sites
Start with departments for which ATI has a solid relationship Standard to webmasters/developers with one area at a time, with instructions Provide Recognition to departments that follow through.

15 The AccessibilityOz Testing Methodology
Run OzART over the entire site (automatic failures will be marked "Defect", items that require human testing will be marked "Inspect") Conduct a scope analysis

16 The AccessibilityOz Testing Methodology
Assign each category to a tester, who tests each category and adds examples If marked "Inspect", review each error. Mark it "Okay" if it passes and "Defect" if it fails If there are Defects choose some examples and add to OzART

17 The AccessibilityOz Testing Methodology
Categories QAed by an Accessibility Specialist Fetch each category report Report edited and merged, impact statement written OzART turned to Defects mode

18 The AccessibilityOz Testing Methodology
Fixing Developer works through each error, marking each instance as “Fixed” or “Won’t Fix”

19 The AccessibilityOz Testing Methodology
Retesting OzART is run again. Items change status as per: Items marked “Fixed” that still exist are automatically changed to “Defect”. Items marked “Won’t Fix” remain “Won’t Fix” Items marked “Defect” are automatically changed to “Reported”

20 The AccessibilityOz Testing Breakdown
AccessibilityOz break up the auditing process into three distinct sections: template section of the site; general content (for your content authors); and technical content (for your developers).

21 Features of OzART Limit pages or list URLs Folders include / exclude
Username / password, Basic AUTH, VPN, IP Upload process through Wizard of OzART Spoof FireFox, Chrome, iPhone Specify browser window size Schedule runs

22 Features of OzART Comparison feature RSP DSW MOB
Web application vs web site Assign users to different databases Statistics Fully accessible Freshdesk MAPP Design

23 Demonstration

24 Questions?

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