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Decayed and infected tooth are painful for your smile

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1 Decayed and infected tooth are painful for your smile

2 Reasons for Decayed and infected tooth
Deep Tooth Crevices and Enamel Issues. Improper Nutrition of tooth Sugary Foods are the important reason for Decayed and infected tooth Acidic Foods and Drinks like fruit juice, Soda, Fish, etc. Dry Mouth Issues can also influence for Decayed and infected tooth. Tooth Grinding Tooth Genetics disorders Improper oral hygiene finally catching up with aging too.


4 Symptoms of Decayed and infected tooth
Toothache Severe, continuous pain. Gnawing or throbbing pain. Sharp or shooting pain. Pain when chewing. Sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold. Bitter taste in the mouth. Breath odor.  Possible fever. Swollen glands of the neck. General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling. Swollen area of the upper or lower jaw.

5 Tooth decay can be treated as below
Fluoride varnish Fillings Inlays and onlays Crowns and Bridges Root canal treatment Tooth extraction

6 Fluoride varnish

7 Fillings

8 Inlays and onlays

9 Crowns and Bridges

10 Root canal treatment

11 Tooth extraction

12 Know for more For more information about the Decayed and infected tooth care please contact Root Canal Therapy Fort Worth. ABC Family Dental Address: 5416 Basswood Blvd, Fort Worth, TX United States Telephone: Website: Google+: Facebook:

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