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Tooth Decay Created by: Ke’Onta Tyneshia Alexis Jaquan.

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Presentation on theme: "Tooth Decay Created by: Ke’Onta Tyneshia Alexis Jaquan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tooth Decay Created by: Ke’Onta Tyneshia Alexis Jaquan

2 What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is the disease that is not life threatening and the good news is that it is preventable! Tooth decay is the destruction of the enamel (outer surface) of a tooth. Tooth decay is also known as dental cavities or dental caries. Decay is caused by bacteria that collect on tooth enamel. The bacteria live in a sticky, white film called plaque (pronounced PLAK). Bacteria obtain their food from sugar and starch in a person's diet. When they eat those foods, the bacteria create an acid that attacks tooth enamel and causes decay.

3 What causes tooth decay? It occurs when your teeth are frequently exposed to foods containing carbohydrates such as starches and sugars like soda pop, candy, cake and even sticky fruits. Tooth decay occurs when three factors are present: bacteria, sugar, and a weak tooth surface.

4 What areas are likely to decay? Surfaces Teeth next to each other because this area is hard to clean Pits Fissures in the "chewing" (occlusal) surface of teeth Gum line

5 Symptoms The signs of tooth decay are usually obvious. A tooth may be sensitive to the touch, too hot or cold temperatures, or too very sweet foods. Or it may simply start to ache. A tooth that starts hurting usually has something wrong with it.

6 Treatment Tooth decay is usually treated with a filling. The dentist first removes all of the decayed material with a drill. The opening is then filled with some long- lasting material. Two common materials are mercury amalgam (pronounced uh-MAL-gum) and composite resin. A mercury amalgam consists of a mixture of metals that is strong and resistant to wear. A composite resin is a sturdy, plastic-like material.

7 Prevention It is easier and less expensive to prevent tooth decay than to treat it. The four major steps in preventing tooth decay are: proper oral (mouth) hygiene; fluoride treatments; use of sealants; and attention to diet.

8 This is the end of our presentation! I hope you enjoyed it!!

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