Entry Level & Entry Pathways

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1 Entry Level & Entry Pathways

2 Entry Level & Entry Pathways
WJEC Eduqas offers a portfolio of Entry Level qualifications. These take the form of: Entry Level Certificates (up to E3) in English, Maths & Science Entry Pathways Awards, Certificates & Diplomas (E1, E2 & E3)

3 Entry Level & Entry Pathways
Entry Pathways and Entry Level information may be accessed from our WJEC site where you search Qualifications>Levels>Entry Level/Entry Pathways Entry Level information for English and Science (and soon Maths) can be accessed vis the subject pages on our Eduqas site for example Qualifications>Biology>Entry Level

4 Entry Level & Entry Pathways
Find via “Qualifications” and then “Levels”

5 Entry Level

6 Entry Pathways

7 Entry Pathways Our suite of Entry Pathways qualifications cover a range of subjects and enable centres to support personalised learning programmes for their learners through: combining units to create programmes of study suited to individual learners’ needs; eliciting the required assessment evidence from integrated programmes of work at appropriate points during the course; recognising completion of each unit as well as the qualification as a whole

8 Entry Pathways Units in the WJEC Entry Pathways are available at four levels: Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry 3 Level 1 which lead to (three sizes) of qualification Award (8 or more credits) Certificate (13 or more credits) Diploma (37 or more credits)

9 Entry Pathways Award (up to 12 credits): at least 5 credits must come from units at or above the level of the qualification Certificate (13 or more credits): at least 7 credits must come from units at or above the level of the qualification Diploma (37 or more credits): at least 19 credits must come from units at or above the level of the qualification

10 Entry Pathways Unitised Pathways to suit individual learners
Will credit individual units as well as whole pathways Transferable Flexible

11 Entry Pathways Creative, Media & Performance Arts E2, E3, L1
Award, Certificate, Diploma Music, Drama, Media, Art and Design, D&T Science Today Science, Plant and Animal Care Humanities History, Geography/Leisure & Tourism, Religious Studies, Humanities, French Healthy Living & Fitness Award, Certificate PE

12 Entry Pathways Independent Living E2, E3, L1
Award, Certificate, Diploma Child Care, Hospitality and Catering, PSD, Hair and Beauty, Plant and Animal Care Preparing for Work Child Care, Hospitality and Catering, D&T, Motor Vehicle Studies, Hair and Beauty, PSD, Plant and Animal Care Personal Progress E1 Personal and Social Development Award, Certificate

13 Entry Pathway(core) Additional English E2, E3 Award, Certificate
Mathematics ICT E1, E2, E3, L1

14 Entry Pathways Wide variety of forms of evidence accepted, e.g.:
Posters PowerPoints Witness statements Diaries Photographs Will vary according to; Candidate Centre Unit

15 Entry Pathways Entries:
By 21st October for January series (certificates in May) By 21st March for June series (certificates in October) Only enter candidates once they’ve completed & passed No fall-back to lower grade. If put in for E3 but don’t get there, can’t award E2 instead, (they would have to wait until the next sitting for this). Get credit certificates (for units passed) & qualification certificates if Award/Certificate/Diploma achieved.

16 Entry Level Certificate
Entry Level Certificates in English, Maths and Science are suitable for learners who may not have reached level 3 at the end of Key Stage 3 or are working at a level below that required for a grade 1 at GCSE. They have been designed as a one- or two-year course that can be delivered in schools alongside GCSEs

17 Entry Level Certificate
Given the changes to qualifications in England and Wales, WJEC thought the time was right to reform the Entry Level Certificate in English, Maths & Science qualifications that have always provided an alternative pathway to those learners working below the lowest attainment at GCSE. The assessment structure is now more closely aligned with the GCSE qualifications, but still offers a supported route through the curriculum.

18 Entry Level Certificate
English E3  Certificate – includes exam as well as coursework Mathematics Science

19 Entry Level Certificate
Learners who are struggling with the accessing an untiered GCSE English & more demanding GCSE Maths & Science examinations. Learners who need more practical support in achieving their outcomes. Learners who need confidence building ahead of starting a GCSE qualification. Learners who need a flexible assessment approach. Learners who are working below the attainment credited at GCSE.

20 Entry Level Certificate

21 Component 1 Written examination: hour 25% of qualification marks Section A: Non-literary Reading A mix of short answer questions, structured questions and multiple-choice questions in response to two or three short texts, including at least one non-continuous text. Section B: Functional Writing One short and one extended writing task based on everyday uses of English. Externally set, externally assessed. Component 2: Entry Level English Topic Tests:  0.5 hours 60% of qualification marks Two reading tasks and two writing tasks focusing on applying skills in different contexts. Test 1: Response to twentieth/twenty-first century literature Test 2: Editing and sequencing Test 3: Narrative writing Test 4: Proofreading Externally set, internally assessed. Component 3: Practical assessment –Communication:  2 hours 15% of qualification marks Task 1: Presenting a point of view Task 2: The World of Work Externally set, internally assessed.

22 Entry Level Certificate
English Team Subject Officer Guy Melhuish Subject Support Officer Lewis Beecham

23 Entry Level Certificate

24 Entry Level Certificate

25 Entry Level Certificate
Maths Team Subject Officer Kathryn Rees  Subject Support Officer Sophie Gibbs

26 Entry Level Certificate

27 Entry Level Certificate

28 Entry Level Certificate
Science Team Subject Officer Llinos Wood Subject Support Officer Sarah Price

29 Entry Level Certificate
Entries By 21st February 2018 Amendments by 18th March 2018 Late Fees from 19th March 2018 Coursework Submission date 5th May 2018 Exams (all 1 hour) Science Unit 1: 14th May 2018 am Maths Unit 1: 15th May 2018 am English Component 1: 16th May 2018 am

30 Entry Level Administration   Entry Pathways Administration

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