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Constitution Complete the notes and summary. Copy information that is italicized and bold and slides that specifically state whole slide needs to be copied.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution Complete the notes and summary. Copy information that is italicized and bold and slides that specifically state whole slide needs to be copied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution Complete the notes and summary. Copy information that is italicized and bold and slides that specifically state whole slide needs to be copied.

2 New Government 13 states but only 12 sent delegates. Rhode Island did not show up 74 Delegates were selected. 55 showed up Men called Framers- writers of the Cons.

3 May 25th 1787 (don’t copy) 55 men met in this closed room in the days before air conditioning at the end of May on the humid East Coast B. Outside the country was falling apart C. Windows could not be opened to prevent secrets from spilling out

4 Who were they? All held property All white men
Most quite young (average age 42) Ben Franklin was the oldest at age 81

5 Organization and Procedure
George Washington president of convention Create a new constitution replace A of C Framers need to decide how people would be represented in Congress Limited and representative government Strengthen the national government

6 The Virginia Plan James Madison has been called the Father of the Constitution Bicameral (two house legislature) Strong national executive chosen by the national legislature A national judiciary to be appointed by the legislature 3 separate branches (legislative, executive, judicial) Representation State population Amount of money given to the central government House of Representative Lower house-popularly by the people Senate Upper house- chosen by house

7 Three Branches (if you do not know by now copy slide)
Legislative: law making body, known as Congress Executive Branch: enforces / executes / carries out laws President Judicial Branch: national court system that interprets laws Supreme Court

8 New Jersey Plan Small States, William Paterson, counterproposal
Unicameral One vote for each state (equal representation) Congress strengthened Weak executive Continue as a confederation of sovereign states

9 The Connecticut Compromise
Legislative branch has 2 parts (bicameral) House of Representatives - population (revenue laws concerning spending and taxes) TOTAL: 435 Senate- with 2 members from each state equal vote regardless of size

10 Three- fifths compromise
Southern states wanted them in representation Northern states wanted the enslaved counted for tax purposes 3/5 settled deadlock, were counted for tax purposes and representation. No longer applies to the Cons. because of the 13th amendment

11 Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
Southern States clause in Constitution Congress couldn’t interfere w/ the slave trade until 1808 (20 years) Gave Congress the power to regulate both interstate commerce (trade among states & foreign commerce)

12 Other Compromises Debate over how to elect the president
people, Congress, or state legislatures Settled on the Electoral College system Four year term

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