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Lumber in a house You will need 3 sheets of lined paper

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1 Lumber in a house You will need 3 sheets of lined paper

2 Framing Carpentry Framing carpentry is the building of a structure using natural wooden timbers People that work on these types of buildings are called framing carpenters or rough framers The reason for the term rough framers because they only work on the skelitan of the house they do not install finish items such as drywall, finished flooring. Most of the framing carpenters learn a majority of their trade while working on the job site along side a experienced carpenter or framer.

3 Wood as a building material
Wood is used more than any other material in the construction of a house. It is most often used in the structures frame and many of the interior and exteriors surfaces WHY WOOD? Wood is used because of its versatility and proven track record

4 Wood Facts Wood is strong: common framing materials made of wood are many times equal to the strength of steel Wood has a low heat conductivity thus adding to the insulation of your home Wood resists acids and saltwater better than many other structural materials Wood is a renewable resource

5 How wood is categorized
Hardwoods: This term refers to deciduous tree. The lumber for the most part is hard when a human finger nail is pushed into it. It does not always necessarily mean that it is stronger though. Softwoods: this type of lumber generally comes from non deciduous trees and a fingernail can easily be pushed into the trees surface. This though does not mean that the tree is less strong.

6 Common wood used in the a house frame

7 How is a board made? Boards are made from trees taken or harvested in a farm or natural environment. Most new laws require that for every tree taken out of a forest a new one must be replanted in its place. Where these laws do not exist yet there are private organizations that will give a company a green seal of approval that they can tell a customer that they practice this form of forest management.

8 After a tree is cut down it is generally stripped of all leaves and limbs and is then cut into 10-8ft sections and transported to a sawmill for further processing. At the sawmill the trees are stripped of bark or the bark may be left on. From there they are cut into boards based on the woods size, quality, and layout It is then graded by machine or person for its quality then sent to a kiln. And normally stamped* After the wood is kiln dried it is sold to distributors or retailers then sold to us


10 How to read a wood stamp





15 Out local lumber history
At one time the Saginaw river had over 100 sawmills in operation. In most parts of the flint, Saginaw, Titabawasee, and Cass rivers you could walk across them because they where so packed with lumber.






21 Shay locomotive








29 Mechanical tree harvesting
Laser guided sawmill Three bladed saw

30 Todays assignemnt List 30 things that lumber is used for around your home. DUE TOMMORROW END OF CLASS

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