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Mental Health During Step 1

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1 Mental Health During Step 1
Anna Walsh

2 STRESS It is going to be stressful, but you can get through it!
Find ways that you can destress. Talk to SASSI if you need ways to do so. Destress with friends/family/dogs

3 How I thought about STEP
Going into Step I knew that I was potentially interested in competitive fields and would need a good score I was not completely sold on these fields because I did not want to put all of my eggs in 1 basket View this exam as another test, nothing special

4 Did I take breaks YES YES YES! I worked out at least 3 days a week for an hour. I normally did this in the morning before I started my day. I took a lunch break and watched TV or got lunch with a friend

5 What I got from the breaks
Refresh of attitude towards studying Ability to get up and move ENDORPHINS

6 6 days a week approach I needed that day off. It was a way that I worked toward a small goal each week. Make sure to spend that day with friends and family or doing things that you like

7 What to do if you get tired during your study days?
I stopped studying. If I kept rereading the same line in one of my study materials and was not processing the info, I knew it was time to stop or take a 5-10min break. It is way better to study efficiently than to keep going when you are tired.

8 Other things to consider
Keep family and friends important during this time. Make sure to see them Check ahead to see if friends have special occasions during this time. Consider this when making your schedule. Make effort to go to birthday parties, weddings, or other important events to you My birthday is on the 27th and I only studied for a ½ day

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