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Stop saying it over, and over, and over…

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Presentation on theme: "Stop saying it over, and over, and over…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop saying it over, and over, and over…
Pronouns Stop saying it over, and over, and over…

2 What a bore! James ran around the playground looking for Mario.
James wanted Mario to play soccer with James. Mario was the best soccer player in the school, and James wanted to make sure that Mario was on James’ team! James knew that without Mario, James would not be able to win the game!

3 Better? James ran around the playground looking for Mario.
James wanted Mario to play soccer with him. Mario was the best soccer player in the school, and James wanted to make sure that he was on his team! He knew that without Mario, he would not be able to win the game!

4 Big Objective Daily Objective
August 4, Pronouns Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Big Objective Today I will be able to identify a pronoun, as well as correctly use pronouns when rewriting a sentence. Today I will be able to identify and correctly use a subject pronoun. Daily Objective

5 noun - a person, place, thing, or idea (Dylan, San Diego, tree, love)
pronoun - a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence (her, it, he, we, they) antecedent - the word that a pronoun refers to. (Kyle was hungry as he waited for lunch.) subject - who or what does the verb in a sentence (While in school, Kathy ran a mile.) Key Vocabulary

6 Where are the pronouns? Working with your shoulder partner, use your whiteboards to identify what pronouns are used in each sentence, as well as the antecedent. Gabby always wanted to go to Disney Land, but she was not sure she would ever get the chance to go there. The ball smacked off of the bat, and flew through the air. It looked as if it would never come back down to the ground!

7 Can you fix it? Working with your shoulder partner, use your whiteboards to change the sentence so that it includes pronouns. Lauren wrapped the blanket around Lauren’s shoulders. Lauren was very cold, and the blanket helped Lauren to warm up. The blanket was soft and cuddly, and the blanket made Lauren feel safe.

8 Subject Pronouns subject pronoun a pronoun that takes the place of
the subject in a sentence singular subject I, he, she, you, it pronouns plural subject we, you, they pronoun

9 Where are the subject pronouns?
Working with your shoulder partner, use your whiteboards to identify what subject pronouns are used in each sentence. Does he know the answer? They are planning a surprise party. It ran to the park yesterday!

10 Can you fix it? Working with your shoulder partner, use your whiteboards to change the sentence so that it includes a subject pronoun. Dad and I made breakfast this morning. While cleaning, Mary found a ten dollar bill. The cat chased the ball of string through the kitchen.

11 Object Pronouns Object pronoun a pronoun that can be used as
the object following an action verb, or after, “for, at, of, with, in, and to.” singular object me, you, her, him, it pronouns plural object us, you, them pronoun

12 Possessive Pronouns Possessive a pronoun that shows ownership
Pronoun **reminder – pronouns take the place of nouns. Possessive my, your, his, her, its, our, their Pronouns mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs Examples: Marcus walked the dog that belongs to him. Marcus walked his dog.

13 Possessive Pronouns Examples: The class admired the one
belonging to me. The class admired mine. Example: Pluto is Ian’s planet to study. Example: The best poster was Julia and Kru’s The best poster was theirs.

14 Intensive Pronouns Intensive refers back to another noun (or Pronoun pronoun) in the sentence to emphasize it Intensive myself, yourself, herself, himself, Pronouns itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves Examples: I heard the lie myself. The dog opened the cupboard itself.

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