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Visual Management Kuliah Monozukuri Adam Arif Budiman, M.Kom

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1 Visual Management Kuliah Monozukuri Adam Arif Budiman, M.Kom
Teknik Informatika-UNSADA Free Powerpoint Templates

2 review Apa yang dimaksud dengan kaizen Sebutkan spirit of kaizen
Mengapa memerlukan kaizen Beda kaizen dan inovation

3 jawaban

4 Spirit of Kaizen Tanpa harus/banyak mengeluarkan biaya
Keterlibatan semua lapis manajemen Mempunyai common sense/masuk akal Selalu bergerak Never ending improvement

5 Mengapa memerlukan kaizen
Menyelesaikan masalah Mengurangi “sampah/waste” Membangkitkan rasa memiliki dan meningkatkan pemberdayaan / empowerment Support lean thinking


7 Visual management

8 Visual management (lanj)

9 Mengapa Visual management
We See We know We Act We Achieve together

10 What is our current situation ?
How would you describe your current workplace situation? Consider: Personal Safety Physical environment The processes Information access Safety W P O Process People Data Machines

11 Visual Workplace Vision
Describe your vision of what the ideal workplace is like

12 Two Tools of Visual Management
Displays To make staff aware of related data and information – charts, graphs etc Controls To guide the action of staff members – sign boards, dos and don’ts signs

13 Aplikasi Visual Management


15 TYPES Product and process information Area information, boundaries Standard work instructions - Standard work charts, etc Performance information - tracking against key metrics Status of current issues and improvement activities Schedules of maintenance, calibration or other support activities

16 Goes beyond simply tracking and reporting performance and any
Highlights deviations that occur from the planned outcomes. Many forms of visual control exist in the Lean workplace

17 Basic types Shadow boards Indicators on various items e.g. gauges Heijunka boards – showing the status of daily schedules Design pull systems (Kanban)

18 Sort The First S Keep what is needed Eliminate what is not
Identify what is out of place X - Tag

19 Dark Corners and Healing Walls
Does you facility have any walls or dark corners that have stuff or junk piled up in hopes that it will fix itself or will someday be needed?

20 Sort Here Is A Good Example
This is a non-ArvinMeritor facility that shows some good 5 S-ing. These are tooling storage racks that can be rolled to the point of use. Note the reflections off of the floor. This place is clean. How could it be improved? By labeling or color coding. How can it be improved?

21 X-Tag X-Tag Select a X-Tag leader Identify what is not needed
Attach X-Tag Move to holding area Determine time to hold Move to facility holding area Tag all Safety problems X-Tag X-Tagging is a way to remove things that are not needed or used anymore. 1. The first step is to select someone from the work unit or area to be the leader. This may be a responsibility that is rotated to everyone. 2. Identify what is not needed. 3. Attach a filled out X-tag to the item(s). 4. Move these items to a local holding area near or in the work unit. 5. Determine how long to hold these items before removing them. The minimum should be 24 hours, or long enough that each shift has a chance to decide if that is something that they need. 6. Once the time is up the item(s) should be moved to a facility holding area where items can be removed by anyone who could use that item in the facility. 7. All safety issues and problems should be tagged and addressed as soon as possible.

22 Store in a distant place Store in the facility Store in the area
X-Tag Rule of Thumb How often is it used? What to do with it. Never used Once or twice a year Once a month Once a week Once a day or more Give, sell, or throw away Store in a distant place Store in the facility Store in the area Keep at the workplace or carry A good rule of thumb as to where to store stuff is:

23 X-Tag Name: Date: Removal Date Location: Reason for X-Tag:
This is what an X-tag looks like.

24 Stabilize The Second S Operator

25 2nd S - Stabilize A place for everything and everything in its place
outlines labels shadow boxes Designated responsibilities color coded maps X-Tag leaders Make everything easy to find, use, and return

26 Does this look well stabilized?

27 Outlines or Footprints
A little out of place

28 Shine The Third S

29 3rd S - Shine Cleaning is inspection Make cleaning everyday work
Assign responsibilities color coded maps rotate cleaning responsibilities Utilize downtime & help others Read slide

30 Is This Your Locker Room?
This is a locker room in an ArvinMeritor facility in Spain.

31 Before and After Though the picture quality of these is very poor you can still see the incredible difference between the before and after pictures. This also shows that you don’t have to have a new facility to make it look nice.

32 A well shined facility Here is a very clean ArvinMeritor facility that is located in Spain.

33 A well shined facility Spain again

34 Standardize The Fourth S
Does anyone know what this is? DNA. Is DNA very standardized? This is an extreme example but will hopefully get you think of the importance and the standardization you encounter all of the time.

35 4th S - Standardize X-Tag procedures Holding areas Cleaning procedures
Location of items Operating procedures Here are some of the initial things you will want to consider standardizing.

36 Even rags, gloves, and trash
A Place For Everything At the 17th street plant they have utilized the space behind a press and labeled where things should go. Even rags, gloves, and trash

37 Every item has a place, is labeled, and color coded
A Place For Everything Here some chemicals are labeled and even color coded, not to mention clean. Every item has a place, is labeled, and color coded

38 Communicating What Goes Where
At Franklin, they have an area where they have written on cardboard what the part# is in that location, they have also included a sample part as well. This may not be the final labeling but is a good start and conveys the needed information. Simple but effective

39 Sustain The Fifth S

40 5th S - Sustain Make it a habit Proper training and communication
It takes doing something 21 times before it becomes a habit Proper training and communication Inform all employees (especially new ones) Support and cooperation from everyone Read slide

41 Visual Ranges Make It Easier to Sustain
The arrows show the upper and lower limits of this gage. You don’t have to know anything about the process to easily see if this measure is where it should be.

42 Visual Ranges Make It Easier to Sustain

43 Sustain This is a simple shadow board that lets you know what is missing. It is important that everyone cooperates in sustaining. Everyone needs to do their part to keep things where and how they belong

44 5S’S Sort Shine X - Tag Cleaning is inspection Keep what is needed
Stabilize A place for everything Everything in its place Shine Cleaning is inspection Standardize Rules for the first 3 S’s Sustain Make it habit Cooperation In review:

45 5S Checklist Here is a 5S checklist that can be used to help you determine how your area is doing

46 7 5S Checklist Audits performed for 5S’s
5S Audit Points Needing Attention 7 Audits performed for 5S’s Visual display of current standings and progress Emphasis on Sustaining This is a display sign to visually show how you are doing with 5S.

47 3 tipe visual manajemen

48 Visual Display Label yang membuat sesuatu menjadi jelas, tepat dan sesuai prosedur Label tidak secara umum diperuntukkan bagi yng bekerja di area tersebut, tetapi berlaku bagi area yang baru atau untuk yang memenag memerlukan area tersebut

49 Visual Display (lanj)


51 Visual Control Bertujuan mengetahui lingkungan yang error dengan mudah untuk taat mengambil tindakan sesuai standar


53 Visual Metric









62 Terima kasih

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