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Religion What is religion? How do sociologists study it?

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Presentation on theme: "Religion What is religion? How do sociologists study it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion What is religion? How do sociologists study it?
What is the global distribution of religion? How is religion changing in the 21st century? What are the major debates regarding religion?

2 What is religion? Religion: a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on a conception of the sacred Key concepts: Religion Sacred Profane

3 Major World Religions

4 Durkheim: Three Major Functions of Religion
Social cohesion Social control Providing meaning and purpose

5 Conflict Theory & Religion
Religion impedes social change (Marx) Religion reinforces existing patterns of dominance & inequality Feminist Perspective: Women’s large role in religious socialization, but subordinate role in religious governance

6 Religious Behavior Belief Ritual Experience

7 Religious Organization
Ecclesiae Denominations Sects NRMs or cults

8 Social Change & Religion: Major Trends
Limited, partial secularization Growth of fundamentalisms & “clash of civilizations” Emergence of new religious movements & the New Age Development of postmodern religious institutions

9 Public Debates Involving Religion
Religion & the State (e.g., secularism, schools, social welfare) Religion & Social Movements (e.g., political activism, violence)

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